潜 潜水艇 新手上路 注册 2002-11-07 消息 602 荣誉分数 15 声望点数 0 2004-07-11 #4 最初由 hxp417 发布 还得带上你的屁股,美国国务院规定了,没屁股的人不准入境。 点击展开...
onebuck 追求快乐 注册 2004-02-04 消息 219 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 126 所在地 美国 2004-07-12 #6 kind of mean I really did not get your kind of humor. And I am sure that I am not alone. 最初由 hxp417 发布 还得带上你的屁股,美国国务院规定了,没屁股的人不准入境。 点击展开...
kind of mean I really did not get your kind of humor. And I am sure that I am not alone. 最初由 hxp417 发布 还得带上你的屁股,美国国务院规定了,没屁股的人不准入境。 点击展开...
Jingle 本站元老 VIP 注册 2004-01-06 消息 11,126 荣誉分数 4,088 声望点数 373 2004-07-12 #7 最初由 潜水艇 发布 光有加拿大公民卡,没拿到护照呢。 点击展开... I did it last year, with only citizenship card, by flight. But my co-workers all think it is more safe with a Passport.
最初由 潜水艇 发布 光有加拿大公民卡,没拿到护照呢。 点击展开... I did it last year, with only citizenship card, by flight. But my co-workers all think it is more safe with a Passport.
H hxp417 知名会员 注册 2002-04-14 消息 2,398 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 148 2004-07-13 #8 Re: kind of mean 最初由 onebuck 发布 I really did not get your kind of humor. And I am sure that I am not alone. 点击展开... Life is too stressful, for an awful lot Chinese people living abroad... most of them are way tooooooo calculating... Don't be too serious, and take things easier... Live longer, and God has its own plan on you.
Re: kind of mean 最初由 onebuck 发布 I really did not get your kind of humor. And I am sure that I am not alone. 点击展开... Life is too stressful, for an awful lot Chinese people living abroad... most of them are way tooooooo calculating... Don't be too serious, and take things easier... Live longer, and God has its own plan on you.