[问题] 麦大和渥大去哪个??请教渥大的前辈了…


我6月底相继收到Mcmaster的business和 Ottawa的financial(co-op)的offer~~但是现在一直没有下决心要去哪个…主要是舍不得后者的co-op~(本人是移民),所以想让前辈给点意见~多谢大家了!!!
MCMASTER难读,而且学校和混蛋一样。无赖。HAMILTON这个城市也让我感觉不好,我在那里生活了一年。MCMASTER的学生很多中国人,而且绝大多数是一个叫做哥伦比亚国际学院去的,素质不高。UO的SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT比MCMASTER的商学院要好。很多人说MCMASTER的商学院好,其实那个学校是ENGINEERING很出名,就是因为以前相对来讲商科容易进(530托福,OAC平均80),所以那些哥伦比亚的学生就说那里好。
If you haven't been studying there, please don't try to mix up a school with some people you don't like. There are always good or bad things for every school. Why can't you think in a positive way?
mcmaster is only good at engineering
最初由 dlyb 发布
If you haven't been studying there, please don't try to mix up a school with some people you don't like. There are always good or bad things for every school. Why can't you think in a positive way?

I had been living in Hamilton,Ontario for over a year,and I know lots lots of students studying in McMaster University, I went there hundreds of times. I would say, if you do not know the people who knows about the university, please do not open your mouth. There are always good or bad stuff in the damn U, but did you consider, why people can not think in the positive way? Because the thing is not worth to let people think in that way. It is a damn shit, so how could people think in the way you said? One thing remember, you do not need to teach other people about, what the hell is the correct way to think about the damn. Only whom is the experienced person could. The time I am typing the reply is 12:52am, and I am in Hamilton, Ontario right now. And I am confusing about why there are too much people wanna teach others. Are they real old enough? I do not think they are experienced and qualified. Why can't they just seat back and relax, be cool man.