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作者: 京华倦客[85894620] 2003-01-18 16:34:28
烯里糊涂的混过了初二的第二学期,没有正式的跟同学打个招呼,就在转念之间到了 Iowa City。屁点大的城市,也有上百的中国人,同龄的虽然不少,但是还说的了中文的却是少之又少。从小蛮共产的观点受到本质上的侵犯,为了弥补相声的黑洞扒着电视看 Standup Comedy ,得益与否暂且不说,光是这两年由迷惑到 LOST, 就可以说明中国人的古老智慧是永远正确的-入乡随俗,不是改名换姓,做到不和当地风俗抵触就行了,不用变成当地人。
Pretty nice set up, come to think of it, from a walled community of couple thousand to a 'corned' (Iowa produce sweet corn) college town of 50 thousand. Less place to spread out more interact with people the better friends they are.
Living aside of railroad track, having to hold on to plates on the table everytime the train goes by; Walking through knee deep snow every day to a school 'hila-suckocally' on top of a hill with buddy, dragged around America in a rental by the new-world craving dad, and the discovery of self, and lost of self, and the rediscovery of self, and lost.....
Those actual fun events minus bitterness of 'adjusting' (seems that i never did) to new place, and the bitterness of the new place might set Iowa to be a favourable county to reside. But as clock winds forth, cometh the move to Ann Arbor Michigan. Physical setting is great, 40 min to Detroit (what a dreadful city that is), Townhouse on campus, actual, real school bus to school, life starts to look good. However no dope no shrink make ____ something something, as time goes by, the never ending run of mind is somewhat slowing down. doesn't matter what was the 'legetimant' excuse, the very uncharacteristic mistreatment of what other might considered friend, but stunbordly only granted 'classmates' are a sure sign of deterioration of moral values, as well as mental health. Layman, who ever he is would call it 'loosin it'. Though tried show effort of enjoying life by joining the red-necked rowing club, for a long time when commenting on the experience, rowing was the least mentioned, instead "it gives a good perspective on the deep seated racial superiority inside Anglican-Saxon Americans" was the common answer.
Bad year for all the men in the house, as dad was getting shaft at work by the slave driver who happened to be an unsympathetic chinese boss. Old man winter called and said he wanted more yellow asses, a-hula all the earthly owning u-hauled up to Ottawa. Tried fit in with football crowd, which was concluded as the bad move of the year. Started a rowing team that goes nowhere, but magically collected a few friends who show tolerance of the distinctness in the process. A little less kin and a little more time, with a minimum of 5 chinese 'friend' (people accumulated more than 1 hour dialogs with in school), compare to 80% of all 'foreign' friends, all praises go to the multiculturalism. Tough time in english, ended up taking it going on the third time, and with no science as a supporting credit, getting in to the 'double cohort' university would be dicy. Self pity suddenly is a fad, as 'poking fun of oneself' becoming a sign of supposedly maturity. Found tencent, learned existence of deep emotional dependency that people called- love, but lazy as usual, did nothing. Though the world is really slipping away, no action had been taken to regain control. New house, sucks, price too high, floor squeaks, doors/windows old/cheap, renovaiton costs fortune, phonecalls to be made, mom goes to beauty school, buddy leave for France, unleashing anger at any given chance, buddy got a girlfirend, buddy lost his girlfriend.
Before, after and during the whole mess, real people were seen again in the summer of 2002. 北京became home again, though it was only for a short couple month, but this time it was seen, not passed by. Revisited the country side, 亲手打井水-停电的时候,家家有宽带-没有电脑,县城灯火昏暗-没有饭馆全小摊。Old pals changed a lot, physically, old stomping ground same-old same-old, with artificial hearts (one computer per class room, oh yeah!), that shows the foreigners who's really putting the people first.
(most bs written, totally non-related schit, 'most 4am, butt/brain freeze, stopped short, to me-all a goodnight)
烯里糊涂的混过了初二的第二学期,没有正式的跟同学打个招呼,就在转念之间到了 Iowa City。屁点大的城市,也有上百的中国人,同龄的虽然不少,但是还说的了中文的却是少之又少。从小蛮共产的观点受到本质上的侵犯,为了弥补相声的黑洞扒着电视看 Standup Comedy ,得益与否暂且不说,光是这两年由迷惑到 LOST, 就可以说明中国人的古老智慧是永远正确的-入乡随俗,不是改名换姓,做到不和当地风俗抵触就行了,不用变成当地人。
Pretty nice set up, come to think of it, from a walled community of couple thousand to a 'corned' (Iowa produce sweet corn) college town of 50 thousand. Less place to spread out more interact with people the better friends they are.
Living aside of railroad track, having to hold on to plates on the table everytime the train goes by; Walking through knee deep snow every day to a school 'hila-suckocally' on top of a hill with buddy, dragged around America in a rental by the new-world craving dad, and the discovery of self, and lost of self, and the rediscovery of self, and lost.....
Those actual fun events minus bitterness of 'adjusting' (seems that i never did) to new place, and the bitterness of the new place might set Iowa to be a favourable county to reside. But as clock winds forth, cometh the move to Ann Arbor Michigan. Physical setting is great, 40 min to Detroit (what a dreadful city that is), Townhouse on campus, actual, real school bus to school, life starts to look good. However no dope no shrink make ____ something something, as time goes by, the never ending run of mind is somewhat slowing down. doesn't matter what was the 'legetimant' excuse, the very uncharacteristic mistreatment of what other might considered friend, but stunbordly only granted 'classmates' are a sure sign of deterioration of moral values, as well as mental health. Layman, who ever he is would call it 'loosin it'. Though tried show effort of enjoying life by joining the red-necked rowing club, for a long time when commenting on the experience, rowing was the least mentioned, instead "it gives a good perspective on the deep seated racial superiority inside Anglican-Saxon Americans" was the common answer.
Bad year for all the men in the house, as dad was getting shaft at work by the slave driver who happened to be an unsympathetic chinese boss. Old man winter called and said he wanted more yellow asses, a-hula all the earthly owning u-hauled up to Ottawa. Tried fit in with football crowd, which was concluded as the bad move of the year. Started a rowing team that goes nowhere, but magically collected a few friends who show tolerance of the distinctness in the process. A little less kin and a little more time, with a minimum of 5 chinese 'friend' (people accumulated more than 1 hour dialogs with in school), compare to 80% of all 'foreign' friends, all praises go to the multiculturalism. Tough time in english, ended up taking it going on the third time, and with no science as a supporting credit, getting in to the 'double cohort' university would be dicy. Self pity suddenly is a fad, as 'poking fun of oneself' becoming a sign of supposedly maturity. Found tencent, learned existence of deep emotional dependency that people called- love, but lazy as usual, did nothing. Though the world is really slipping away, no action had been taken to regain control. New house, sucks, price too high, floor squeaks, doors/windows old/cheap, renovaiton costs fortune, phonecalls to be made, mom goes to beauty school, buddy leave for France, unleashing anger at any given chance, buddy got a girlfirend, buddy lost his girlfriend.
Before, after and during the whole mess, real people were seen again in the summer of 2002. 北京became home again, though it was only for a short couple month, but this time it was seen, not passed by. Revisited the country side, 亲手打井水-停电的时候,家家有宽带-没有电脑,县城灯火昏暗-没有饭馆全小摊。Old pals changed a lot, physically, old stomping ground same-old same-old, with artificial hearts (one computer per class room, oh yeah!), that shows the foreigners who's really putting the people first.
(most bs written, totally non-related schit, 'most 4am, butt/brain freeze, stopped short, to me-all a goodnight)