General speaking, as a Qebec student, you can study outside Quebec,but you will receive less Bursary and more Loan.even No bursary and all with Loan.
However, as I know, If you study in Ottawa area school(Ottawa Universty, Carlton University and Alganquin College) you may get 20%---30% as your bursary and the rest is your Loan.
If you take full time study in Quebec, you will have 60%--70% as your bursary and the rest (samll portion) will be your Loan.
Anyway, the Portion between Loan and Bursary is not simplely calculated with ....Percentage,it is calculated with :
your BURsary==
Living Expense-Your Spoouse contribution-yourself contribution-Loan (Depends on your Education Level) the result is your bursary will receive.
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