慎独 天蝎蝴蝶 注册 2003-12-15 消息 448 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 126 2004-07-28 #1 请教各位,可否工作在蒙特利尔,但定期到魁大读part-time的mpm或者mab课程啊? 我的意思是说不影响原来的工作,周末或者晚上过来上课修完课程的可能性有没有?
P playman 知名会员 注册 2003-09-22 消息 322 荣誉分数 15 声望点数 128 2004-07-29 #2 MPM or MAB isn't sure. But MBA is definite. All courses are scheduled on Friday afternoon and Saturday. You only need come once and half day-off per month if you like to take three years. MBA is part-time program on purpose.
MPM or MAB isn't sure. But MBA is definite. All courses are scheduled on Friday afternoon and Saturday. You only need come once and half day-off per month if you like to take three years. MBA is part-time program on purpose.
jessica0712 知名会员 注册 2003-08-08 消息 409 荣誉分数 9 声望点数 128 2004-07-29 #3 mpm看你咋选课了,要是选得好一天上完就可以PART TIME。。