[寻找] 请问哪个牌子的充电器和充电电池好

energizer at Home Depot has 4 batteries plus charger for $28. Seems to be good.
Check Costco too.
The charger of energizer at Home Depot needs a long time to charge (15 hours). It is not good one.
I have Rayvac 15min charger, $46.99+tax for 2 batteries, $64.99+tax for 4. If someone need it, call 721-6503 for Mr. or Mrs. Li.
long term is not a big problem for me, the main problem is that if the batteries can recharge properly.
最初由 *敲天堂之门* 发布
long term is not a big problem for me, the main problem is that if the batteries can recharge properly.

The new style battery is Ni-Ah, it is better than Ni-cd because there is NOT memory, you can charge it properly. Another it is more powerful.