Moving Sale:
电视机 (JVC, 20 inch),VCR (4 head, JVC), dining table with four chairs, 双人沙发床
带床垫,电视机框,自行车(带后视镜、测速仪及头灯等),落地灯,Queen size bed with fram
plus mattrass, 电脑 with monitor plus many softwares,收录机,茶几,梳妆台及厨房用具。
All the stuffs are bought within 3 years, interested please call 729-3076.
电视机 (JVC, 20 inch),VCR (4 head, JVC), dining table with four chairs, 双人沙发床
带床垫,电视机框,自行车(带后视镜、测速仪及头灯等),落地灯,Queen size bed with fram
plus mattrass, 电脑 with monitor plus many softwares,收录机,茶几,梳妆台及厨房用具。
All the stuffs are bought within 3 years, interested please call 729-3076.