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有哪位OU的DX给介绍一下OU Ph.D的学科情况,入学条件和大概费用。一直想学一个的。老是觉得移民了,也不能放松学习。在下先谢了。
<HTML>What do you wanna study?

What's your direction in your former study?

Ph D is not like undersgrats, which theoretically can be chosen freely.</HTML>
TO classmate

<HTML>really? i do not know that. what i have is Chemistry and Environmenal Engineering as BSc. Also i have a MBA. I want to learn some thing like foreign affaris(related to ISO9000 or quality assurance in general), business management, international trade, or maybe history. Can I?</HTML>
Re: TO classmate

<HTML>Environmenal Engineer is easier to get a job. Do you tired
about work? All municipality goverments new are looking for Environmenal Engineer for water management and do not require Ph.D. You better go to get you PE license rather than Ph.D. QA job is for one from college (two to three training without degree, but normally hold the technologist license). University does not teach you that. ISO9000 (currently is ISO9002) is a standard for industry. A firm has to meet its requirement than get its certificate. You have to make sure what you are looking for.
Enjoy your rearch and be patient to complete it with degree. Don't try spend two year and then give it up. Intrest is only for supper rich person.</HTML>
Re: TO classmate

<HTML>Nicer got the point.

To my knowledge, MBA is a more pragmatic degree. But the programs PhD covers are more research-oriented.</HTML>
Re: nicer

<HTML>多谢你的指点。 非常有帮助。

环保工程师在国内做了3年, 90到93, 后来一直做市场和销售。所以又拿了MBA。问题是这里不太承认国内的MBA。除非派你回去做中国。


nicer上面谈到的关于IOS 和QC什么的,都是一纸证书就能上岗工作的意思。不需要研究和创造。大概不属于我想要的东西。我要学比较新兴和边缘的。一个德国人99年曾经学international affairs, 是关于WTO成员国之间绿色壁垒的。可惜忘了是哪所大学。这样的PhD出来,无论是加国政府,还是跨国公司,就是回大陆也是很好使的。我知道联邦政府雇佣了很多学理工出身的PhD做高级管理工作,如审核,技术审查等。实际上,浪费了人才和纳税人的钱的。不知道各位同意我的看法么。希望回复,谈谈你们的看法。

Re: nicer

<HTML>As far as I am concerned, Master's is the best degree in the job market, it's always helpful. PhD may cause you some troubles sometimes, especially when you are looking for a position in the industry. Don't expect too much to find a position in the government, security clearance can give you headache. Besides, 4 - 5 years is not trival, even though you may get some fundings to support yourself.

I had spent 50 months to get mine, from 25-30, golden years in my life. That's what I've learnt.</HTML>