一抹黑师傅是开车行, 还是自己私人修车呢?

somewhere between baseline and huntclub, don't remember the exact position

he fixes vihiecles at home
要修车找HaoXin! Please call (819)7773542 <home> or cell(5647379),very good service.Maybe it is the lowest price in this city!
我刚刚注意到,广告上还有一个兄弟车行, 老板好象也是中国人, 怎么样? 哪个更好些? 有兄弟们比较过吗? (收费和修车质量上) 谢谢!!!
我觉得有竞争,so they have good service and price.We need more Mr hei
and Haoxin in this city!