Printer, copy, sacan 3 in 1(Canon Multipass F10, used 1/2 yr,include USB Cable): $100
TV (SamSong 19'with the record function, VCR, include remote): $100
音响&音箱(Sharp, include MD,Disc display, remote): $150
DVD & Karoake Machine(95% new,include remote): $100, $120 include 2 sony Mic.
Glass dinner table: $100, $150 if include 2 chairs with one set.
Air conditioner (Window, used 1 summer): $80
Sofa bed(used 1 yr) $100
微波炉(sharp, Cyber and beautiful look): $80
TV柜: $50
麻将台&麻将: $40
15??呢锢示屏: $50
17??呢锢示屏(flat): $80
desk(for study): $20
Cofee machine: $15
塑料储物柜: $10
面包机: $10
电风扇: $10
For further informaion: e-mail to
TV (SamSong 19'with the record function, VCR, include remote): $100
音响&音箱(Sharp, include MD,Disc display, remote): $150
DVD & Karoake Machine(95% new,include remote): $100, $120 include 2 sony Mic.
Glass dinner table: $100, $150 if include 2 chairs with one set.
Air conditioner (Window, used 1 summer): $80
Sofa bed(used 1 yr) $100
微波炉(sharp, Cyber and beautiful look): $80
TV柜: $50
麻将台&麻将: $40
15??呢锢示屏: $50
17??呢锢示屏(flat): $80
desk(for study): $20
Cofee machine: $15
塑料储物柜: $10
面包机: $10
电风扇: $10
For further informaion: e-mail to