遛弯的虫子 知名会员 注册 2004-03-20 消息 2,229 荣誉分数 28 声望点数 158 2004-08-18 #1 我今天租了一个清洗地毯的机器。谁家也和我一样需要清洗地毯,我可以转租给你们。明天4点以前还给对方。我租的连税加洗地毯的液体要32刀,有发票为证。我现在转租给你用只收取15刀,另外加一瓶价值8刀的洗地毯的液体。如果需要我给你送过去还有拿回来的话加5刀,一共20刀洗一次。非常合算!如果你要,我现在就可以给你送过去。另外加一句,地毯洗过很干净。电话7924181。
T tobrub 新手上路 注册 2004-06-05 消息 670 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-08-18 #2 Very fair, you should've announced the message beforehand, if someone is interested, he has to take a day-off from work and have their furnitures hauled, now it is kind of short-noticed.
Very fair, you should've announced the message beforehand, if someone is interested, he has to take a day-off from work and have their furnitures hauled, now it is kind of short-noticed.