001. ANEW LUMINOSITY ULTRA Advanced Skin Brightener SPF15 UVA/UVB
Lowest price ever:$19.95! (regular price:$28.00)
采用雅芳突破性的3-C阻断因子,配合特有的Parsol 1789和SPF15防晒配方,全程抑制、转化黑色素,全面淡化、祛除各种斑点让你体验纯净无瑕的年轻感受。
1C 抑制黑色素产生:含抑黑缩氨酸,有效抑制酪氨酸酶的活性,抑制黑色素过量分泌,切断 斑点形成的源头。
2C 转化黑色素为浅色素:在复合草本素与明钻净颜技术的共同作用下,已形成的黑色素被转化为浅色素,阻断斑点形成。
3C 消祛已形成的斑点:椰果素、紫苏草、小麦精华等成分可促进沉积在肌肤表层的黑色素随代谢的角质层细胞脱落,斑点因此无处容身。
特有防晒配方:Parsol 1789+SPF15:有效对抗UVA-1、UVA2、UVB,完全阻隔紫外线对肌肤的伤害。紫外线对肌肤的伤害。
Instant results that get even better with time.
This super-charged, state-of-the-art formula attacks the multiple causes of skin discoloration which can be due to aging, sun or environmental damage, and hormonal changes. Advanced brightening action corrects and now even prevents discolorations. See faster results than ever before. Now formulated for and tested on all skin types and tones. Use daily AM, over your favorite ANEW treatments.
The promise:
Day 1: luminous and brighter skin
Day 7: discolorations fade
Day 14: flawless skin
The key:
Skin-brightening, patent-pending Diamonex™ Plus targets & fades discolorations.
Powerful Pigment Inhibitors help reverse and reduce the appearance of freckles, age spots and skin discolorations.
Exclusive Skin Retexturizers smooth skin, reduce dullness, and even skin tone.
Light Diffusers scatter light for instantly luminous, radiant skin.
SPF 15 UVA/UVB & Antioxidants protect against future discolorations due to sun damage and environmental stressors.