How much did you pay for the Absorbine? My wife had same problem, but she bought Robax from pharmacy($18.27). It seems that the pain passes off only when she takes the Robax on time.
最初由 heureux 发布 买了 ABSORBINE!刚回来!
同时去看了 chiropractor (脊椎指压治疗者). 照了 X 光片。做了简单治疗,好一些。chiropractor 讲我的问题比较严重,需要到他那儿继续治疗三十次。每次 37 元。
最初由 prjia 发布 How much did you pay for the Absorbine? My wife had same problem, but she bought Robax from pharmacy($18.27). It seems that the pain passes off only when she takes the Robax on time.