忍痛割爱!!! 卖书喽!!!
1. Operating system -Design and Implementation 操作系统设计与实现 ------清华大学出版社 影印版 $11
2. Use case maps for Obvject oriented Systems 用于面向对象系统开发的使用实例图 -----清华大学出版社 影印版 $4
3. Unix network programming by Richard Stevens -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $7
4. Object-oriented System Analysis and design -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $3.5
5. Operating Systems (Internals and Design Principles) 3rd edition By William Stallings -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $5
6. Computer Organization And Architecture(Designing for Performance) by Willian Stallings ---------清华大学出版社 影印版 $7
7. Internetworking with TCP/IP (Volume II) -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $5
8. Internetworking with TCP/IP (Volume III) -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $5
9 Introduction To Signal Processing -----------清华大学出版社 影印版$6.5
10. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING 2ND EDITION -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $12
11. Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $12
12. Artificial Intelligence: A modern approach ----------人民邮电出版社 $12.5
13. Microeconomics by Robert S. Pindyck Daniel L.Rubinfeld -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $7
14. Global Marketing Management by Warren J. Keegan -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $10
15. System Administration for Microsoft Sql server 7.0 $5
16.Mastering Distributed Application Design ------------- $5
17.MCSE: SQL Sever Administration $5
18. Real Time System -清华大学出版社 影印版 $7
18. PC 游戏编程(入门篇)1 CD ---------- $8
19. PC 游戏编程(窥门篇) 1 CD ---------- $8
20. UNIX 环境高级编程 ---------- $9
21. C 语言开发(实例详解) $5
22. MCSE: SQL Sever Administration $5
23. Marketing Engineering (Tutorial) $5
Marketing Engineering $7
24. Marketing Management $10
25. XML Development with Java 2 $35
26 Inside the Java Virtual Machine $20
27. Professional Java Mobile Programming $60
28. Java 2 MicroEdition -----------$35
29. Teach yourself Unix System Administration in 21 Days--------------$25
30. Java 2 CERTIFICATION Exam Guide -----$45
31. Practical Unix --------------$35
32. Mac OS X -The missing Manual -------------$10
33. Personalized & Database Printing $10
34. Principles Of MacroEconomics -First Canadian Edition
Principles Of MicroEconomics -First Canadian Edition Total: $30
1. Operating system -Design and Implementation 操作系统设计与实现 ------清华大学出版社 影印版 $11
2. Use case maps for Obvject oriented Systems 用于面向对象系统开发的使用实例图 -----清华大学出版社 影印版 $4
3. Unix network programming by Richard Stevens -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $7
4. Object-oriented System Analysis and design -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $3.5
5. Operating Systems (Internals and Design Principles) 3rd edition By William Stallings -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $5
6. Computer Organization And Architecture(Designing for Performance) by Willian Stallings ---------清华大学出版社 影印版 $7
7. Internetworking with TCP/IP (Volume II) -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $5
8. Internetworking with TCP/IP (Volume III) -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $5
9 Introduction To Signal Processing -----------清华大学出版社 影印版$6.5
10. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING 2ND EDITION -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $12
11. Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $12
12. Artificial Intelligence: A modern approach ----------人民邮电出版社 $12.5
13. Microeconomics by Robert S. Pindyck Daniel L.Rubinfeld -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $7
14. Global Marketing Management by Warren J. Keegan -----------清华大学出版社 影印版 $10
15. System Administration for Microsoft Sql server 7.0 $5
16.Mastering Distributed Application Design ------------- $5
17.MCSE: SQL Sever Administration $5
18. Real Time System -清华大学出版社 影印版 $7
18. PC 游戏编程(入门篇)1 CD ---------- $8
19. PC 游戏编程(窥门篇) 1 CD ---------- $8
20. UNIX 环境高级编程 ---------- $9
21. C 语言开发(实例详解) $5
22. MCSE: SQL Sever Administration $5
23. Marketing Engineering (Tutorial) $5
Marketing Engineering $7
24. Marketing Management $10
25. XML Development with Java 2 $35
26 Inside the Java Virtual Machine $20
27. Professional Java Mobile Programming $60
28. Java 2 MicroEdition -----------$35
29. Teach yourself Unix System Administration in 21 Days--------------$25
30. Java 2 CERTIFICATION Exam Guide -----$45
31. Practical Unix --------------$35
32. Mac OS X -The missing Manual -------------$10
33. Personalized & Database Printing $10
34. Principles Of MacroEconomics -First Canadian Edition
Principles Of MicroEconomics -First Canadian Edition Total: $30