有谁知道那个部门可以投诉National Student Loans Service Centre[请求]


很想投诉National Student Loans Service Centre在处理学生贷款问题上办事官僚, 他们要的材料我按照规定的日期FAX过去, 信也寄出去, 居然说没有收到, 有谁知道那个部门可以投诉他们?:flaming:
最初由 shelley 发布
很想投诉National Student Loans Service Centre在处理学生贷款问题上办事官僚, 他们要的材料我按照规定的日期FAX过去, 信也寄出去, 居然说没有收到, 有谁知道那个部门可以投诉他们?:flaming:


Re: Re: 有谁知道那个部门可以投诉National Student Loans Service Centre[请求]

I applied interest reliefe program of student loan and a lady called me yesterday and told me they didn't receive anything from me. I told her I sent all they required and fax them before deadline. Now I had to applly it again but I had to pay loan in July. I asked that lady if i need to fax or mail letter the same material for more than two times and I felt so mad at their working attitude.
It seems that I have to send two registered letters.


不知道你要告他们什么?先试着解决也许比投诉更有用。 [/B][/QUOTE]
Re: Re: Re: 有谁知道那个部门可以投诉National Student Loans Service Centre[请求]

最初由 shelley 发布
I applied interest reliefe program of student loan and a lady called me yesterday and told me they didn't receive anything from me. I told her I sent all they required and fax them before deadline. Now I had to applly it again but I had to pay loan in July. I asked that lady if i need to fax or mail letter the same material for more than two times and I felt so mad at their working attitude.
It seems that I have to send two registered letters.



我的interest relief过了很久才给我,也是因为没收到我的信,而且把我信用纪录也搞得世上最差。interest relief给我后,退了多收的利息,且更改了我的信用纪录。


我以前几乎每一,两个星期就打一次,每次都问接电话的人叫什么名字,并记下详情。千万不要把他们当敌人!他们不是政府工作人员,是私人公司通过政府招标取得的合同。他们薪水低得可怜,turn over率也很高。有个别接电话的一张嘴就胡说八道,赶紧礼貌拜拜过一会儿再打,这时可能会遇到个稍微明白的,最后不行还可以要求同manager说话!
Re: Re: Re: Re: 有谁知道那个部门可以投诉National Student Loans Service Centre[请求]

我真的不相信他们没有收到我的材料, 昨天第一个电话打来说我有一个月的EXPIRE, 我当时就糊涂了, 我说我FAX 材料给你们我还有存根, 她还说你申请这个PROGRAM,但我们不GRANT, 然后那个人就不跟我多说把电话挂了,我当时就生气了, 批不批准没关系, 但要给我一个合理的理由. 我即刻把电话打过去, 也不知道是不是同一个人, 我说我很CONFUSED 我的贷款问题, 然后她就说没有收到我的材料, 因为这是第二次补材料, 她讲来讲去都是他们发给我的第一封信内容, 我一听就知道他们根本没有去查第二次FAX, 我说我该怎么办? 她说我要跟银行联系还7月份的贷款, 然后重新申请, 她还说下次FAX 和MAIL 信给他们以后要打电话问他们收到没有. 我觉得收不到FAX 和信是一种借口, 真讨厌他们的工作质量如此之差, 所以我以后有机会一定去投诉他们. 顺便问一下, 没有收到INTEREST RELIEF, 你是如何付这段时间的利息和还贷? 还有谢谢你这些很好的建议.
据我所知,在你不是full time student的后六个月,是要交利息的。六个月以后才能有interest relief。即使interest relief批准时已过了六个月,他们仍会从第六个月底起算,并把多收的利息退给你。唯一的就是在第六个月底你的interest relief还没批准,而你也不交钱的话(因为你在等interest relief),他们会去坏你的信用纪录。若你怕信用坏了而又有钱支付,可以先交那几个月。不过大部分申请interest relief的并不是钱很多的,那也可以不交,等最后水落石出再要求他们修改你的信用纪录,只是在此期间你不好申请别的贷款。

以上所说是个人经验,你最好跟National Student Loan Center核实一下。还有寄挂号信与寄平信的地址也不一样。


最初由 spy66 发布

I don't know why I could not have access to comefromchina anymore from my computer.

There are two credit unions in Canada that you can check your credit: Equifax and TransUnion. Try google to find out the contact info. You will be amazed at what you find on the report.

Or you can go to any bank and ask for line of credit. If your credit is bad, the bank will tell you and even do not lend you money (just a joke).
最初由 CFB 发布

以上所说是个人经验,你最好跟National Student Loan Center核实一下。还有寄挂号信与寄平信的地址也不一样。

Sorry I have no access to comefrom China recently. You can contact National Student Loan Center for the contact info. As I said, ask them and write down the answer as well as the date, the person whom you speak to, and maybe call at another time and ask another one to make sure the first answer was right.

The bank has nothing to do with National Student Loan. Even CIBC bank branch will not handle CIBC National student loan.

You can pay through your bank account though, like you pay anything else.