咖啡泡漠 资深人士 注册 2004-04-27 消息 1,104 荣誉分数 125 声望点数 223 2004-08-29 #1 想在APT的客厅加装一个门,但是又不知道怎么装,请高人指点一二!谢谢! 如果哪位DX能帮我装上,那我 感激不尽 谢谢!
O ottawapaint 新手上路 注册 2004-08-10 消息 9 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-08-30 #2 i can put the door up. please let me when how do you want to do it. thx
oread 新手上路 注册 2002-01-24 消息 20,275 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 0 2004-08-30 #3 If you are not the owner of that apartment, you should first check with your building management to make sure that you have the right to install a door in the living room, in order to avoid unnecessary charges when you move out.
If you are not the owner of that apartment, you should first check with your building management to make sure that you have the right to install a door in the living room, in order to avoid unnecessary charges when you move out.
A ashvalley 知名会员 注册 2004-08-25 消息 2,436 荣誉分数 175 声望点数 173 2004-08-30 #4 you can rent the living room and make a lot $$$$