Much thanks for all the reply.


Much thanks for all the reply. Acturally my father's normal blood pressure is 75/110. Now he is 90/148. The doctor said the higher blood pressure is only because he is nervous in the hospital, plus he can't find any other reason so far. The worst thing is that my father doesn't have any insurance here.
I really don't know they usually tread the patients.Just protect themself?
能回国就回国, 这有嘛好?
最初由 gogocc 发布
Much thanks for all the reply. Acturally my father's normal blood pressure is 75/110. Now he is 90/148. The doctor said the higher blood pressure is only because he is nervous in the hospital, plus he can't find any other reason so far. The worst thing is that my father doesn't have any insurance here.
I really don't know they usually tread the patients.Just protect themself?

You cann't just blame the doctor as they are not sure if it's right to give your father medicine without observation. As I know, the blood pressure shouldn't go high in a short period, for your father's case, it's better to check at home at a regular basis to see if it's real high blood pressure before taking any medicine. As if you start to take medicine, you should take it continuously, not just take when your blood pressure is high and then stop it when the pressure goes low. Have some rest, and if the pressure goes normal, that should be fine, medicine is not the best way, as it could cause side effect.
If you worry about the future cost, you should start to buy him some medical insurance now (waiting time should be one week or so) and then you should be more comfortable.