问问Contract job的问题


CONTRACT的工作机会跟FULL TIME或者PERMENENT的工作有什么差别??是不是和约期满就互不相关了?知道的朋友能否解释一下.
they may renew your contract after 6 month or one year.your salary may be higher,but no benefit..
最初由 masalou 发布
CONTRACT的工作机会跟FULL TIME或者PERMENENT的工作有什么差别??是不是和约期满就互不相关了?知道的朋友能否解释一下.

Contract job does not have any benefit and no EI. You teke care yourself.
Re: Re: 问问Contract job的问题

最初由 novice 发布

Contract job does not have any benefit and no EI. You teke care yourself.

contract没有福利保险,paycheck不扣税,报税的时候再扣,contract工资应该比full time高,contract需要申请一个用来报税的number,contract约期满了以后如果没有续约就算结束了。可能不全,能想到的就这些了。
If you are directly employeed by your employer, your employer will
pay EI and CPP. And you will have EI benefit after contract is
finished. But you won't have any other benefit, such as medical
expense, vacation (your employer should pay additional 4% after the
contract finished).

If they ask you to sign the contract as indepedent contractor, such
as incorportated, you take care everything for yourself. This happens
when you deal with job agency in most cases. You are not allowed to
pay EI, so you won't get EI after the contract. However, you can
deduct lots of expense when you file income tax, such as car expense,
meal, computer and Internet expense, utilities, rental, and many more.
But filing the tax is more complicated.

So it all depends and it is difficult to judge which one is good. When
market is good, I will choose the second one because I don't have to
worry about finding the next contract. When market is bad, I will
choose first one becuase I can have EI even if I can't find another
job after contract.
最初由 allhelp 发布
If you are directly employeed by your employer, your employer will
pay EI and CPP. And you will have EI benefit after contract is
finished. But you won't have any other benefit, such as medical
expense, vacation (your employer should pay additional 4% after the
contract finished).

So this kind of contractor can not deduct any cost? I think they are also self employee and can claim some expense.