诀窍在于,楼主在Nepean High School的学区里有一处房子/公寓,他把这个地址供你使用,于是你的孩子就可以进入这个学校了。其实在该学区里的住户,有很多人愿意有偿让别人使用他们的地址。
1. Nepean High School的精华部分是Gifted Program,也就是天才班,非天才班的学生和教学质量和其他学校区别不大。即使使用Nepean High School的学区里的地址而进入这个学校,也不能进入天才班,天才班的学生需要考试。楼上只是说“进入 Ottawa Nepean High School”,没有说进入天才班。
You seems to know lots of things about gifted programme. My son will attend high school soon here. So can you tell me more about the program? What's your meaning by saying that kids become nerds eventually?. Looking forward to hearing from you.
最初由 Justin Luo 发布 what is the big deal of the gifted program ... honestly, there is nothing more you can get out of it, just a fancy name.
and believe you not, lots of kids in GIFTED program become nerds eventually.
okay, I was in the gifted program when I was in high school for one yr, and stopped taking it.
from personal view, I think the only difference is that the kids in the gifted class are selected after a test, but the material covered are almost the same (same textbook, so if you want to learn more, read the text yourself), another difference is that there are less silly students in the gifted class.
the kids are selected after a test, so they think they are better than the rest of the world (apparently not), so that is how they start to become nerds.
there is nothing bad about the program, but there is nothing good about it either. just if your kid is not in, don't bother. but it is a fancy nothing, and chinese do like that big name
Thanks a lot for your honest and suggestion. Do you hear about Ridgemont HS? There are lots of Black Families' kids attend that school. People told me these students usually do not study very well and also have some bad habits. So, I pretty worry that my kid will be influenced by them. How do you think about this issue? Look forwar to your ideas.