I just got an offer from Nortel Optical Division.

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<HTML>But they want me start working next Feb. I'm currently in Toronto. Does anyone know the
situation of there in Nortel and is it difficult to find a place to live around Lab 5 at Jan?
What's the normal relocation plan of Nortel? (They said it's hard to find an vacancy
appartment around Nortel.) Thanks and see you guys there.</HTML>
<HTML>Finding a place to stay nearby Carling Lab is extremely difficult since it is quite an isolate location. Crystal Bay is the nearest area. But it is quite a small and saturated community. The next closest are, in distance, Bayshore, Lincoln High, Kanata North. There is no "normal" relocation plan but depends on how you are given by your hiring manager. Good luck.</HTML>
Ottawa is a small city,if you can drive,it's no problem live a little far.

RE: Ottawa is a small city,if you can drive,it's no problem live a little far.

<HTML>Starting from next year, most surrounding cities around what is now called "Ottawa" will be united into one city. From east, say, Orlean to Carling, it can easily take more than 50 km one way on mostly heavy jam highway 416. Samll?</HTML>
RE: Ottawa is a small city,if you can drive,it's no problem live a little far.

<HTML>Comparing to other big cities like Toronto, it is small. We are trying to give our friend an answer, so we don't need to be involved with such small issue too much.
Advice to our new friend: You may go to minto webpage to check it out. Probably Bayshore is not a bad choice. You need to hurrry up to find one, otherwise it would be late for Jan.
Good luck</HTML>
Thank you very much! I appreciate your guys help.

RE: Thank you very much! I appreciate your guys help.

<HTML>Lucky guy. Feb. is ok. You know all dapartmant stop hiring new employee since mid-Nov, and almost all departments have dimissed dozens of people.
Nortel have 8 (9?) relocation program options, and it depends on which one your manager will offer you, but do not worry about it.No matter which option they offer you, they normally will pay you hafe to one month hotel temporay living and also will have another company (DADA relocation Comapny) to help you to find an appartment during your temporay living.

RE: Thank you very much! I appreciate your guys help.

<HTML>Is the optics division also laying off people?</HTML>
RE: Thank you very much! I appreciate your guys help.

<HTML>You should be well prepared to Minto\'s \"offer\" if you want to rent a living place from them. Bachelor for $875, one-bed for $925. That is the average price for Minto\'s apartments and the price is always up in a quick frequency.</HTML>
Yes. Optical have laid off someone!!!

RE: Yes. Optical have laid off someone!!!

<HTML>300 is the number that have been kicked out in Ottawa area alone. Scary enough?</HTML>
really? or just rumor?

RE: really? or just rumor?

<HTML>I don't know all these 300 poor fellows and I don't know is this just a rumor or not. But that came from the mouth of our senior manager in a regular job meeting where there were several dazons of people there in the group. Anyway, Nortel has a "great" tradition in doing that at the end of every year. The great tradition was just amplified a bit this year due to the slash in their stock.</HTML>