小子 新手上路 注册 2003-09-15 消息 1,188 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-09-16 #4 最初由 soviet98 发布 别是带面粉哦 点击展开... 北美面粉的价格全世界最高 谁往回带啊
人在天涯 ┳??初级会员??┳ 注册 2002-01-23 消息 17,253 荣誉分数 7 声望点数 0 2004-09-16 #6 http://www.canadapost.ca/personal/tools/rc/res/bin/rc_res_int-e.asp
lifeisfun 本站元老 VIP 注册 2003-03-09 消息 7,405 荣誉分数 1,048 声望点数 373 2004-09-17 #8 最初由 小子 发布 北美面粉的价格全世界最高 谁往回带啊 点击展开... No, Canada produce wheat and its quality and price are much better than in China. maybe it's the only thing you still can bring to China in current world where most stuff are made in China now. But I know no one will really take flour to China.
最初由 小子 发布 北美面粉的价格全世界最高 谁往回带啊 点击展开... No, Canada produce wheat and its quality and price are much better than in China. maybe it's the only thing you still can bring to China in current world where most stuff are made in China now. But I know no one will really take flour to China.
lifeisfun 本站元老 VIP 注册 2003-03-09 消息 7,405 荣誉分数 1,048 声望点数 373 2004-09-17 #9 最初由 mooncake 发布 国内没有奶粉卖吗? 点击展开... Maybe he worries about the fake stuff.
有 有去无回 ~~~~ 注册 2002-06-03 消息 6,718 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-09-18 #13 最初由 john19 发布 Be careful! Infants less than one year can not use most milk powders! 点击展开... What milk powder are you talking about?
最初由 john19 发布 Be careful! Infants less than one year can not use most milk powders! 点击展开... What milk powder are you talking about?
M mike 知名会员 注册 2002-01-19 消息 1,762 荣誉分数 87 声望点数 158 2004-09-18 #14 走Canadapost的海运,时间大于2个月(到上海)和价格不太低(才寄了16公斤的箱子,100加元出头)