L lichrq 知名会员 注册 2002-10-21 消息 55 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 118 2004-09-20 #1 各位大虾,有谁知道在OTTAWA哪儿可以解除PS2的防盗版识别加密设置.以前听说唐人街有,找了半天没找见.
T toisanlao 知名会员 注册 2002-05-21 消息 536 荣誉分数 105 声望点数 153 2004-09-20 #3 I know someone who has done it. If you are still looking, let me know.
月下独酌 浪子 VIP 注册 2003-06-21 消息 32,217 荣誉分数 4,204 声望点数 373 2004-09-23 #6 toronto 一次100 everything included
大熊猫 Moderator 管理成员 VIP 注册 2002-01-16 消息 22,826 荣誉分数 127 声望点数 243 2004-09-23 #7 如果多论多是100,那这个Roy收120也是很合理的价钱.
爱喝牛奶的wawdj {品品布鲁} VIP 注册 2002-07-28 消息 14,150 荣誉分数 533 声望点数 273 2004-09-24 #10 最初由 Roy 发布 chips $80 labor $ 40 点击展开... ¥100 OKAY?
Roy 新手上路 注册 2002-11-24 消息 388 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-09-24 #11 sorry guys , I can not cut the deal to $100, becourse I have to order the chips from Toronto plus shipping, my cost will be almost around $100. So I think $120 is a good deal in Ottawa.
sorry guys , I can not cut the deal to $100, becourse I have to order the chips from Toronto plus shipping, my cost will be almost around $100. So I think $120 is a good deal in Ottawa.