Gloucester center 的红木家具展, 东西不错

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不知大家去过么??价钱真的不错, 刚定了一套,
我去sears 和bay 定家具, 硬木家具特贵, 还远不如红木的好, 价钱还比红木贵, 现在很多国家都禁止砍伐红木了, 我想这些家具还是应该很保值

听说这周末中午有免费的点心招待, 不妨推荐一下, 大家去看看。。
could you tell me the address of Gloucester center?
最初由 kool 发布
不知大家去过么??价钱真的不错, 刚定了一套,
我去sears 和bay 定家具, 硬木家具特贵, 还远不如红木的好, 价钱还比红木贵, 现在很多国家都禁止砍伐红木了, 我想这些家具还是应该很保值

听说这周末中午有免费的点心招待, 不妨推荐一下, 大家去看看。。

想去,都买了什么 ?
最初由 datou 发布
could you tell me the address of Gloucester center?

i forget the address, Ogilvie Rd & Blair Rd , u also can see from highway, exit Blair after st Laurent if u come from downtown.

also u can check chinese newspaper.
Re: Re: Gloucester center 的红木家具展, 东西不错

最初由 qwer 发布

想去,都买了什么 ?

i bought a 60" rose wood round dinning table with 8 chairs + 72' buffet and hutch, and got tall flower stand as gift, no tax.
rosewood is hua li mu ba? :blink:
最初由 渐渐 发布
rosewood is hua li mu ba? :blink:

花梨木是红硬木中次等的红木, 紫檀木为上等, 黑紫檀为最上品, 特重, 纹理很细。。很少见,我这次见有一套livingroom set 是黑紫檀。。好东西。。但价钱也好, 太贵。。买不起。。。:D
Re: Re: Re: Gloucester center 的红木家具展, 东西不错

最初由 kool 发布

i bought a 60" rose wood round dinning table with 8 chairs + 72' buffet and hutch, and got tall flower stand as gift, no tax.

And how much is that a?
You are wrong. 花梨木, particularly Hainan yellow 花梨木 is among the most expensive hardwood around the world. Should have googled first. :D

In China, there are roughly 8 types of 红木. 紫檀 is traditionally THE only 红木. Today however 红木 includes many more, roughly 8 types and 33 subtypes. Many 红木 furnitures today use imported wood like Burmese rosewood, African rosewood, where the price is much less expensive. The manufacturing process is another important factor in determining good quality 红木 furnitures.

I've heard many incidences that 红木 furnitures are easily cracked in Canadian dry winters. Maintaining 红木 furniture is another concern. Many families that bought 红木 furnitures put a protective glass on top, which makes the furnitures appearing ugly and cheap.

In short, there are fantastic 红木 furnitures, like those Ming & Qing dynasty chairs, but the majority of 红木 furnitures on the oversea market today is just so so, many are made with partly 红木 and partly other wood.


红木家具国际驰名,其特点是色泽庄重,纹理精细美观,木质坚硬沉重,结实耐用。正宗的红木是紫檀木,质量最佳,一般呈红色,木质坚硬沉重,木纹细密,有油性。现在做家具的红木多为鸡枝木、酸枝木、花梨木和香红木(这些木材也属红木范畴)。 1、鸡枝木: 木质特别坚硬,显得深沉稳重,木纹清晰,成品光滑发亮,颜色接近老红木,是红木中的上品。 2、酸枝木: 木质坚硬度稍次于鸡枝木,但同样具有深沉稳重、木纹明显、制品亮滑、颜色接近老红木的优点。 3、花梨木: 木质坚硬、沉重,木纹明晰,但颜色较淡,亦是红木中的佳品。 4、香红木: 盛产于巴西,带有一种特殊香味,但颜色和坚硬度均较次于上述品种,是红木中的下等品。 红木家具的鉴别主要看木质结构和重量。 1、看木质结构是否具有上述红木的特点。即木质本身是否带有紫红色、黄红色、赤红色或深红色等多种自然色泽;木纹是否质朴美观,幽雅清新,上漆后木纹是否仍然清新可见。假红木制品油漆后,一般颜色厚实,常有白色泛出,无纹理可寻。 2、看重量。真红木家具坚固结实,质地特别紧密,比一般柞木要重。相同造型、尺寸的假红木家具,重量比真品明显偏轻。 3、看是纯红木家还是红木贴面家具。有些产品虽称用红木制作,但仔细检查,则可发现是把红木开成薄片,贴在其他木材的表面伪装而已,并非真正的纯红木家具。 4、选购红木家具,最好是到信誉好、资信程度高的正规家具商店选购,看其商品标签上所标示的用材和漆料是否与成品相一致,并仔细咨询认真辨认,以避免误购,造成不必要的损失。

最初由 kool 发布

花梨木是红硬木中次等的红木, 紫檀木为上等, 黑紫檀为最上品, 特重, 纹理很细。。很少见,我这次见有一套livingroom set 是黑紫檀。。好东西。。但价钱也好, 太贵。。买不起。。。:D
In Montreal, there is an annual 红木 furniture exhibition, sponsored by some big name furniture maker from China.
Good quality 红木 furniture is rather an investment.
最初由 渐渐 发布
You are wrong. 花梨木, particularly Hainan yellow 花梨木 is among the most expensive hardwood around the world. Should have googled first. :D

In China, there are roughly 8 types of 红木. 紫檀 is traditionally THE only 红木. Today however 红木 includes many more, roughly 8 types and 33 subtypes. Many 红木 furnitures today use imported wood like Burmese rosewood, African rosewood, where the price is much less expensive. The manufacturing process is another important factor in determining good quality 红木 furnitures.

I've heard many incidences that 红木 furnitures are easily cracked in Canadian dry winters. Maintaining 红木 furniture is another concern. Many families that bought 红木 furnitures put a protective glass on top, which makes the furnitures appearing ugly and cheap.

In short, there are fantastic 红木 furnitures, like those Ming & Qing dynasty chairs, but the majority of 红木 furnitures on the oversea market today is just so so, many are made with partly 红木 and partly other wood.


红木家具国际驰名,其特点是色泽庄重,纹理精细美观,木质坚硬沉重,结实耐用。正宗的红木是紫檀木,质量最佳,一般呈红色,木质坚硬沉重,木纹细密,有油性。现在做家具的红木多为鸡枝木、酸枝木、花梨木和香红木(这些木材也属红木范畴)。 1、鸡枝木: 木质特别坚硬,显得深沉稳重,木纹清晰,成品光滑发亮,颜色接近老红木,是红木中的上品。 2、酸枝木: 木质坚硬度稍次于鸡枝木,但同样具有深沉稳重、木纹明显、制品亮滑、颜色接近老红木的优点。 3、花梨木: 木质坚硬、沉重,木纹明晰,但颜色较淡,亦是红木中的佳品。 4、香红木: 盛产于巴西,带有一种特殊香味,但颜色和坚硬度均较次于上述品种,是红木中的下等品。 红木家具的鉴别主要看木质结构和重量。 1、看木质结构是否具有上述红木的特点。即木质本身是否带有紫红色、黄红色、赤红色或深红色等多种自然色泽;木纹是否质朴美观,幽雅清新,上漆后木纹是否仍然清新可见。假红木制品油漆后,一般颜色厚实,常有白色泛出,无纹理可寻。 2、看重量。真红木家具坚固结实,质地特别紧密,比一般柞木要重。相同造型、尺寸的假红木家具,重量比真品明显偏轻。 3、看是纯红木家还是红木贴面家具。有些产品虽称用红木制作,但仔细检查,则可发现是把红木开成薄片,贴在其他木材的表面伪装而已,并非真正的纯红木家具。 4、选购红木家具,最好是到信誉好、资信程度高的正规家具商店选购,看其商品标签上所标示的用材和漆料是否与成品相一致,并仔细咨询认真辨认,以避免误购,造成不必要的损失。

你也真是的, 老和我交劲, 还有针对性, 哈哈, 你是在网上google了一下就下这结论, 你真不应该这样, 只要懂红木的, 做这行的都知道, 你不妨去问问这次来展的老板, 人家吃这碗饭都二十几年了。。

紫檀永远排在花梨前面, 红木极品就是>>>黑檀,无可非议的。。红木很注重份量和木纹, 花梨明显轻, 水纹宽, 其实就是同一棵树, 如果用树干做的就比用根区做的便宜。价钱差很远, 不妨你自己亲自去几家打听一下就知道了。
你说的黄花梨是因为这树种;濒临绝迹, 是国家保护树种, 并不是本身花梨木种比紫檀好。你还不如用百山祖冷杉木做家具呢。。:D ;)
不过现在很多国家都禁止砍伐硬木, 特别是此类硬木, 所以是一个很好的investment. 将来会越来越贵, 唯一一个问题在加拿大就是这里天气干, 比较容易结缝处裂, 所以房间需要有一定湿度, 还有就不要放在太阳光照射处。。容易变色。。
Again, you should read more carefully. I did say 紫檀 was traditionally the only 红木.
However nowadays 红木 includes so many more types. What did you get was where I was getting. ;)
红木 is very difficult to maintain, particularly in Canada, so it's hard to say whether it's a good investment or not.

If you believe what a salesman have told you, haha, I'm speechless le. :D
最初由 渐渐 发布
Again, you should read more carefully. I did say 紫檀 was traditionally the only 红木.
However nowadays 红木 includes so many more types. What did you get was where I was getting. ;)
红木 is very difficult to maintain, particularly in Canada, so it's hard to say whether it's a good investment or not.

If you believe what a salesman have told you, haha, I'm speechless le. :D

i understand ur concern, actaully there is new technology for dry weather. also u can take care them too, once u pay big money, people will start to take good care of it..human nature ma..:) most of hardwood products all have same problem. i still believe is good invest, rosewood always a rosewood, like gold. not because there are too heavy and hard to carry, people dont like them...hehehe..what's for lunch today?? :lookaroun
最初由 丫丫 发布

I thought u have hardwood floor, u even step on it..:D