[问题] 有谁知道Lansbridge University这所学校,怎么样?

I've never heard about this university. I suspect that you've confused it with Lethbridge university in Alberta. It's just a so-so university, with very low entrance requirement. If you can't pass TOFLE, you should consider that university.
Sound very interesting

Convenience and flexibility for students is a main thrust of Lansbridge University's courses. Classes are open to students 24 hours a day, seven days a week, from anywhere in the world via the Internet. No classroom sessions are involved, and most course materials are available entirely online. eMBA students also have their own team of teaching and support staff to lead them through the educational process.

Another focus of Lansbridge University is to deliver a meaningful, up-to-date curriculum. Since courses are delivered via the Internet rather than in classrooms, course instructors and Assistant Professors can be chosen from among the world's leading experts and academics, rather than the small selection who live in the vicinity of a particular campus. Unlike a traditional university, the online university also lends itself to an adaptable curriculum that can be updated quickly to reflect the development of new issues and trends.
Lansbridge University
10 Knowledge Park Drive
Suite 120
New Brunswick
Canada E3C 2M7
Phone: 1-506-443-0780
Fax: 1-506-459-2909

最初由 acetone 发布
Lansbridge University
10 Knowledge Park Drive
Suite 120
New Brunswick
Canada E3C 2M7
Phone: 1-506-443-0780
Fax: 1-506-459-2909



在笑贫不笑娼的今天,搞到钱就是成功者,吴征博士八里屯大学的经历被世人所知,是在吴博士成功(搞到钱)之后。 记得原来这坛子上有人就认为,那些和贪官污吏过意不去的主,都是红眼病。