C cgi 知名会员 VIP 注册 2004-01-10 消息 2,618 荣誉分数 477 声望点数 193 2004-09-28 #1 我想找人seal我家的driveway,我家是单车位(宽),三车位(长),哪位知道一般请人要多数钱? 谢谢!
A ashvalley 知名会员 注册 2004-08-25 消息 2,436 荣誉分数 175 声望点数 173 2004-09-30 #7 最初由 cgi 发布 谢谢楼上诸位。我现在明白为什么很多人用bricks了。 点击展开... do it youeself is much cheaper bricks costs you a lot money.
最初由 cgi 发布 谢谢楼上诸位。我现在明白为什么很多人用bricks了。 点击展开... do it youeself is much cheaper bricks costs you a lot money.
楚 楚风 知名会员 VIP 注册 2004-02-28 消息 326 荣誉分数 36 声望点数 138 2004-10-02 #8 最初由 ashvalley 发布 do it youeself is much cheaper bricks costs you a lot money. 点击展开... DO you have to clean the driveway very well prior to the sealing?
最初由 ashvalley 发布 do it youeself is much cheaper bricks costs you a lot money. 点击展开... DO you have to clean the driveway very well prior to the sealing?