

打算最近买栋Minto的独立房。 今天看了Agreement of purchase and sale以后,有一些问题不是很清楚。想请教有买Minto房经验的人应该如何处理这份购房合同?有必要在签字前先找律师过目吗?如果对合同里的某些事宜有和Minto不同的看法,是否有可能在和sales person商谈后做一些适当的修改呢?多谢提供宝贵意见!!!
想改Minto的合同,恐怕没那么容易。得看你的律师有多大能量吧。Sales Person 自己是不大会改的。要改,就是你的律师跟Minto的律师间的交涉。
you can make change in 2 weeks,after that it will be hard to make more changes,talk to sales office .do not talk to lawyers because u have to pay $100 per hour
you can try, buy sales told me "no way"
最初由 jeffhoxu 发布
打算最近买栋Minto的独立房。 今天看了Agreement of purchase and sale以后,有一些问题不是很清楚。想请教有买Minto房经验的人应该如何处理这份购房合同?有必要在签字前先找律师过目吗?如果对合同里的某些事宜有和Minto不同的看法,是否有可能在和sales person商谈后做一些适当的修改呢?多谢提供宝贵意见!!!

Minto is not likely to change anything from their contract. I brought a new Minto House 2 years ago, and my sales rep says they are not changing anything from the contract.

The after sales service from Minto is good, so I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Thank you all for your good suggestions. Now, I have another question. Is it possible that I make an initial offer lower Minto's listed price? If so, how much margin can I bargain? Thanks a lot!!!
again, with minto, no way :)
there is always a way, if any concern about safety issue..
no way. die heart ba :)
if u want more info. u could ask 小渐渐
最初由 jeffhoxu 发布
Thank you all for your good suggestions. Now, I have another question. Is it possible that I make an initial offer lower Minto's listed price? If so, how much margin can I bargain? Thanks a lot!!!

You may do this through an agent, by yourslf, I doublt it...
With MINTO, you can change nothing, neither the list price nor the contract. And, in most cases, your final purchase price would be a bit higher than the list price due to all kind of reasons.
where is your house?

MINTO 就是不讲价的, 其经营原则之一

如果你觉的自己不大会杀价, 买 Minto 不会觉得吃亏. 买其他 Builder, 也许你总觉得自己买贵?

买东西牌子还是很重要, 金字招牌, 再差, 也不会差到那里去. 没有听说买宝马和丰田车的抱怨车的质量问题. 买房也一样, Minto 只要一天还是渥太华的老大, 我就看好它一天. 我相信它不会突然变成烂公司, 所以吃大亏的可能不大. 说是不是最好? 那是一个人一个说法.

全世界只有一个地方不重视自己的品牌, 那是中国. 就跟人不维护自己的信誉一样. 多少个药就是这样毁了的. 全深圳的人, 象万金油这么普通的东西, 都要买香港的.