

How do you Maintenance your car for the winter?
I do not do anything. Your antifreeze should be year-round and change every 4-5 years.

If your car starts fine, you do not need tune-up.

The only thing I do is to do a oil spread (the one they spread oil into inside the doors, not just under the car) every year to prevent rust.
最初由 spsun1 发布
I do not do anything. Your antifreeze should be year-round and change every 4-5 years.

If your car starts fine, you do not need tune-up.

The only thing I do is to do a oil spread (the one they spread oil into inside the doors, not just under the car) every year to prevent rust.

最初由 may8806 发布
how to do the oil spread
My guess is you mean oil spray for rust proof, right? Easy stuffs, buy a rust proof can with Canadian Tire, spray on door's edges and under hood, that's it :smokin:
i didn't do the oil spray, should i do this year
i didn't do the oil spray last year, should i do it this year
my friend did not spray for last few years,
do u have to do oil spray every year?
which place does a better job?
how much?
In the professional rust proof place, they drill holes in the metal parts and fill oil in.

I really don't think you can do it properly yourself. The oil will drip off by itself in 2 weeks. Unless you like doing it every two weeks in winter.
Yes. Oil spread or rust proof. You cannot do it yourself.
You have to ask the one they drill holes at the side of your doors and then out a plastic plugs to cover the holes.

After bought the new car for three years, I have been doing it every year.

My experience is that I bought an old car once, I did not have the rust proof, after two years, the rusts are everywhere. Few yearl later I bought another five year old car and did the oil spread, it did not rust any more than what I got. Ottawa uses too much salts and not good to the car.

I did it at oil guard. The store has closed and recommend Midas. for Car $109.95 and van $129.95...

Most places should be fine. But Krown is a good place to go too. They charge the same price. They have a website "krown.com" to show your the price and the process.

My friend does two times a year. I am cheap and only once a year. I like what they said. Oil will "run" to places, if they missed.