Z zaizai 野蛮的淑女--YoYo VIP 注册 2003-04-02 消息 10,799 荣誉分数 158 声望点数 243 2004-10-23 #3 Re: 一般的CAR头顶可否运QUEEN SIZE床垫? 最初由 lrlr 发布 今天路上看见一老外自己运大床垫上面还加个沙发,真厉害!以前也曾经在电影里看过,但真正自己运起来,不知不上高速遇上警察管不管? 点击展开... 当然管,规定车顶的物品不能超过车的长*宽
Re: 一般的CAR头顶可否运QUEEN SIZE床垫? 最初由 lrlr 发布 今天路上看见一老外自己运大床垫上面还加个沙发,真厉害!以前也曾经在电影里看过,但真正自己运起来,不知不上高速遇上警察管不管? 点击展开... 当然管,规定车顶的物品不能超过车的长*宽
moody 新手上路 注册 2004-09-03 消息 1,058 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2004-10-23 #4 我运过QUEEN SIZE的,距离不远,看见警车,没人管 但提醒你要绑好,不要上高速,路上车少的时候搬
Q qll 新手上路 注册 2004-04-18 消息 48 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-10-24 #5 only to save $40? a ticket will cost you $100.
S spsun1 新手上路 注册 2004-06-18 消息 277 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2004-10-26 #6 make sure put the mattress under and Box spring on the top. So when the wind blows, the mattress will not be bended (you need something to "hold down" the mattress). Yes, do not take highway and drive slowly. Safty is more important than anything.
make sure put the mattress under and Box spring on the top. So when the wind blows, the mattress will not be bended (you need something to "hold down" the mattress). Yes, do not take highway and drive slowly. Safty is more important than anything.