

Sue your landlord..... At least 21, otherwise is not very healthy.
It's also against City By-Law.

"Ottawa is 20C (68F) from 6:00 a.m. to 11 p.m., and 16.7C (62F) from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., year round, under (Old City of) Ottawa By-law #201-89. If your apartment is too cold in Ottawa, the number to call is (613) 580-2400."
You can and should file a by-law violation with the city.
Withholding rent is usually not a recommended measure. File complaint with the City and proceed from there. Here are some tips:

Self Help

On a practical level, when tenants decide to take individual or
collective action, landlords will often attempt to negotiate a
settlement to avoid a court trial on the issues. (See our fact
sheet, Negotiating.) However, it is important that these
negotiations occur in the "shadow of the law", as if the case
were ready to be tried in court.

Since courts usually feel that landlords should have the
opportunity to make repairs, it is important to give the landlord

Negotiations or court appearances involving building conditions
that violate the Warranty should be preceded by the following

1. Report in writing all conditions to the landlord and
management. Keep a log of any verbal communications, but
generally it is better to document all complaints in

2. Take photos of the violations. A way to prove in court when
the violation existed is to include in the picture a banner
headline from a tabloid newspaper alongside the violation.
Then bring the picture and newspaper to court. This prevents
the landlord from claiming that the photo is old and that
the condition has been corrected.

3. Report all violations to the appropriate municipal, county,
or state agency, asking for whatever relief is available.
Get certified (official) copies of code violation reports.
In New York City, the Housing Court has computer terminals
in many courtrooms, so judges have instant access to city
data on code violations. The law allows such data as
evidence during trial.

4. Document all correspondence by sending it certified mail,
return receipt requested, and keep photocopies.

5. Document heat complaints with temperature readings taken
throughout the day, both inside and outside. Use a
"heatsheet" chart.

source: http://www.tenant.net

最初由 littletree 发布
最初由 渐渐 发布
It's also against City By-Law.

"Ottawa is 20C (68F) from 6:00 a.m. to 11 p.m., and 16.7C (62F) from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., year round, under (Old City of) Ottawa By-law #201-89. If your apartment is too cold in Ottawa, the number to call is (613) 580-2400."

Please do not confuse people. I do not believe so. The reasons are shown below:
1. You said "is". If it were required by a law, it should have uesd "must", "have to be", ....
2. Someone may say that it is too cold inside a room in the winter, but someone may also say it is too hot in summer. What is the high limit?

Please tell us the link if you really know that there is a requirement. Otherwise, please take a break.
最初由 mossback 发布

Check the contract first. If there is nothing about that, you should either talk to the lanload or move out.

Of course, there are some other solutions, for example, to in crease the energy in your body, you should eat as much as you can. Do not intend to save money from food. If it still does work. You should try to tonifying the kidney. Good luck!

Are you talking about something in New York City? The link shows something about it.

You sais that:

"2. Take photos of the violations. A way to prove in court when
the violation existed is to include in the picture a banner
headline from a tabloid newspaper alongside the violation.
Then bring the picture and newspaper to court. This prevents
the landlord from claiming that the photo is old and that
the condition has been corrected."

How to take a photo about temperature?
Even you have a picture, which shows a thermometer that indicates minus 5,I would like to say that you just take the thermometer from the freezer.

We really appreciate if you could find a law, which sets the certain value of the temperature for Ottawa area.
最初由 littletree 发布

Do you have any evidence? If not, please do dig a well and let the tenant to jump into it.