

加拿大对VISITOR好象有购物TAX返还政策. 在美国有吗?
最初由 LostRabbit 发布
加拿大对VISITOR好象有购物TAX返还政策. 在美国有吗?

yes. you can get a tax refund form at the USA airport.
Fill it and attach with the copy of your receipts, mail them to the address showed on the form and get a check later.
I don't believe so.

最初由 forfun 发布

yes. you can get a tax refund form at the USA airport.
Fill it and attach with the copy of your receipts, mail them to the address showed on the form and get a check later.
过境时问了加拿大的工作人员美国的购物税在那里退,他说, 美国政府不会退给你的。
Yeah it doesn't look like we can get a refund. :( Here's what I found on www.customs.gov

Sales Tax
Foreign visitors to the United States frequently confuse the state sales tax with the value-added tax (VAT). The state sales tax is a small tax on purchases or services, calculated at the time of purchase, which the individual states assess and which the U.S. federal government neither determines nor receives. The VAT, on the other hand, is a national tax commonly applied in foreign countries that is included in the actual sales price of an item. The United States does not have a VAT, and the federal government cannot refund state sales taxes.

Many states do not charge tax on items shipped out of state. Ask about sales-tax policies in the state where you make your purchases.

If you want further information, particularly on any of the above items, please contact an American Embassy or Consulate before you leave, or write to: U.S. Customs Service, P.O. Box 7404, Washington, D.C. 20044, U.S.A. You can also find additional information on the U.S. Customs web site at www.customs.gov.
Re: I don't believe so.

最初由 onebuck 发布
I got it from New Orlean last year. But my friends didn't get refund from San Diego this year.
I guess different states/ cities have different tax refund policy for visitors.
加拿大去美国买新车 是不是不用缴美国的税?