最初由 渐渐 发布
You can ask your agency to collect EI on your behalf, you then become a term-employee of your agency.
You can also pay EI yourself through your own company if you want to, but many contractors choose not to do that.
最初由 allhelp 发布
You are not allowed to pay EI through your company if you own over 40%
of your company. If the company is under your family member's name,
you still need to ask the approval from CCRA. You need to explain
what position it is and how important it is to the company. They will
evaluate and give you the permission to buy EI.
最初由 dropinto 发布
thx 渐渐. What is advantage and disadvantage if I pay EI myself throught my own company?
最初由 渐渐 发布
Well apparently employment is not insurable when a corporation employs a person who controls more than 40% of the corporation's voting shares;
最初由 **Secret Girl** 发布