It's true. Many expenses can be deducted as business expenses, e.g. rental cost/mortgage, car leasing cost, travel expenses. There is much information online, do a little bit of research first on "self-employment".
If this is your first contract job, I suggest you to save all receipts and hire a professional accountant to do your tax return this year.
最初由 2Mth 发布 得到一份CONTRACT的工作. 工资是每两周拿支票, PAY BY DAY + GST, 没有福利. 我的问题是今后如何报税? 如何避税? 听说某些LIVING EXPENSE可以抵税,例如去饭店吃饭的费用,是真的吗? 请有经验的人指教, 多谢!