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moving sale-家具(斗柜),用具,灯,书,毛毯,衣服,free item..单身或刚安家人士所须basic全套>

My address:31-A(2nd floor),Rue dufferin, Hull. QQH!
In in Hull,bus 37 get off at Amherst for detail.

Except single mattress, desk, and microwave, all other stuff could be taken immediately! Except small stuff could be delivered to UQO, no delivery for other stuff!

1. single mattress $12 (taken at the end of December)
2. desk (1.0*0.5) $8 (taken at the end of December)
3. 3 head floor lamp free with the desk or mattress
4. wooden chair $6
5. armchair $10
6. leather chair $8
7. Tv stand (with wheel) $5
8. Little shelf $3
9. Microwave shelf free
10. Wooden Night stand free (1drawer does not work)
11. big leather chair $50 (comfortable, can have a nap on it)
12. Desk lamp(with shade)4 $5-$8 each (you can just buy the shade)
13. Small shoe shelf $4 (steel frame, 2层, 3-4 pairs shoes /层)
14. Small night stand $4 (wooden, 0.37m*0.34m)
15. 杂物柜 $8 (0.46*0.6m)
16. Small vacuum $10
17. Small old ladder free
18. small晾衣架 $3
19. 衣架several free with any purchase
20. Small 百叶窗 free
21. Round dinning table $8
22. Hitachi TV 21” $25 (old style, good condition, no remoter, no sub-title function, but the picture is very clear, could be used with antenna or cable)
23. Toshiba TV 21” free, GONE!
24. Microwave(1000W) $20(brand: Magnasonic, taken end of Dec. )
25. 白色8抽屉斗柜(4大,4小抽屉,1小抽屉doesnot work), clean, wooden $25 (1.5m*0.44m, 8 drawers, 1 broken)
26. Balcony chair $4
27. Small glass shelf $2 or free with other purchase
28. Old camera 三脚架 free with other purchase
29. 文具+paper covers negotiable (some free with other purchase)
30. ?食品的小桶(no lid) free
31. Three seats sofa (old, but clean and very comfortable, the spring is still good, could be slept on for 1.6m person, the clothing cover of two seats are broken but could be covered by a big piece of clothing, you give me an offer if you like to take it.)
32.木制摇椅, foldable, $8 OBO . 
33. 棕红色革面吧台椅1把--$5;(64cm high), 也可当作花架
34. 大鞋架, steel, very firm and beautiful, $25
35. 烤箱用铁烤盘,铁架,BBQ铁架5个,$1-$2 each, or free with other purchase; 小BBQ 炉子, $5.
36.Drinkmaster (Classic drink mixer),2 speeds,$10.
37. Puppy/dalmation assist 4924,never used,$8
38. red 折叠椅2个, $4/each, can be used for 钓鱼 or firework
39. 全新的旅行双肩包2个, $20(黑红色,可加长或缩短,适合做飞机时随身携带) and $12(绿黑色, 适合做飞机时随身携带 or used for study)
40. ToFEL备考光盘1张;and my TOFEL books, tapes
41. TM-869 声卡(including manual, install disc...)$5.
42. white 木椅子,$8
43.餐具,厨具: 金边瓷盘,杯...: 大 $1 each,小0.5-0.3each;酒杯及其他...
44.统计.线性代数.电脑,English and French dictionary......detail see :
女士衣服,鞋..page1-5,(new and used, size M and L.suitable for female 1.58 to 1.65. call me for detailed size.)
床上用品, ?裙 5-6
男士衣服,腰包,鞋 6-(new and used, size L, XL,and XXL.suitable for male from 1.75 to 1.85. call me for detailed size.)
(3). 求购:1.手摇的搅拌器,用来切蔬菜做饺子馅
2. Recharger with 2AA and 2AAA rechargeable batteries:flaming: :flaming:
I have trouble to put on picture or modify my post tonight, I WILL try to add pictures ASAP.