Fido has launched the first Sony Ericsson handset in Canada -- the T200. This small, stylish mobile phone, exclusive to Fido, combines worldwide roaming capabilities with instant one-touch access to the Internet, personal picture messaging, user-friendly navigation and blue backlighting.
"You can certainly see that two technology and engineering powerhouses have joined forces to create this new phone," said Sean Dalton, vice-president of marketing, Microcell Solutions. "It's solid, light, and has new imaging and entertainment features that increase the options for personalization and fun."
Imaging capabilities allow users to personalize their phone book entries with pictures and sounds so they can see and hear who is calling. Instant, one-touch access to the Web allows speedy content downloads. Another Fido first is the addition of data counters that keep track of the time spent surfing the Web and the amount of data transmitted or received.
"Business travellers will appreciate the fact that whenever they travel, people can reach them in 109 countries at their usual Fido number," added Mr. Dalton. "And with instant mobile access to the Internet, they can check stock prices, flight times or play games while waiting for a taxi."
The T200 handset can also be used as a wireless modem throughout Canada, as well as in the United States with Fido's roaming partner T-Mobile USA Inc., formerly VoiceStream Wireless Corp. The handset provides fast Internet access at speeds of up to 56 kilobits per second on a laptop or personal digital assistant. The T200 is available in icy blue at all Fido stores and retail partners. This world phone is priced at $100, after credits upon activation of a monthly air time package.
Fido has launched the first Sony Ericsson handset in Canada -- the T200. This small, stylish mobile phone, exclusive to Fido, combines worldwide roaming capabilities with instant one-touch access to the Internet, personal picture messaging, user-friendly navigation and blue backlighting.
"You can certainly see that two technology and engineering powerhouses have joined forces to create this new phone," said Sean Dalton, vice-president of marketing, Microcell Solutions. "It's solid, light, and has new imaging and entertainment features that increase the options for personalization and fun."
Imaging capabilities allow users to personalize their phone book entries with pictures and sounds so they can see and hear who is calling. Instant, one-touch access to the Web allows speedy content downloads. Another Fido first is the addition of data counters that keep track of the time spent surfing the Web and the amount of data transmitted or received.
"Business travellers will appreciate the fact that whenever they travel, people can reach them in 109 countries at their usual Fido number," added Mr. Dalton. "And with instant mobile access to the Internet, they can check stock prices, flight times or play games while waiting for a taxi."
The T200 handset can also be used as a wireless modem throughout Canada, as well as in the United States with Fido's roaming partner T-Mobile USA Inc., formerly VoiceStream Wireless Corp. The handset provides fast Internet access at speeds of up to 56 kilobits per second on a laptop or personal digital assistant. The T200 is available in icy blue at all Fido stores and retail partners. This world phone is priced at $100, after credits upon activation of a monthly air time package.