[问题] How to select a good financial advisor?

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1. How would you know if your financial advisor is doing a good job?

2. What kind of questions I could ask to evaluate his/her performance?

3. What are the average ROI that you get from your financial advisor?

4. If you are to select a new financial advisor, where do you begin your search?
Before you ask those questions to the financial advisor, you need to
ask yourself some questions first.

1) What is the investment goal? long term retirement? or short term needs?

2) How much investment capital you have? current income stable?

3) Your risk tolerance?

4) Did you have any other source other than from the financial advisor?

After you've ask those question for yourself, then look for an advisor and see if s/he can
give you an satisfying answer.

To evaluate an advisor, first give yourself an evaluation on what you have at this moment.
Those weren't my questions. :o And rest assured, you are not going to be my choice for financial advice.
I might be an selling agent, but not necessary be bias. I dont necessary be your advisor. Just to give out general comments on how to evaluate. If I understand your question wrong, then please restate your question clearer.

You dont necessary to pick me as your advisor, but I am here to give out comments on what my profession at. But if everybody else have question. I will give out my ideas to my fullest.

dkwan问的那些问题“What is the investment goal? What is the capital? ...”好象只跟“如何投资”有关。随便哪一个financial advisor都会问这些问题,然后给出他或她的投资计划。

但这个“如何投资”不是我的(我觉得也不是渐渐的)问题。我的问题是,怎么来选一个financial advisor呢?换句话说,为什么我要选比如dkwan而不是别的人做我的Financial Advisor呢?


怎样去选择Financial Advisor?可能我说得不是太明白。

如过你去找Financial Advisor,我觉得你自己先要明白自己需要什么。
每一个CFP or Financial Advisor都有自己的风格,自己的见解。
1) What is the investment goal? long term retirement? or short term needs?

2) How much investment capital you have? current income stable?

3) Your risk tolerance?
你的risk tolerance跟Advisor给你的有否有出入?

4) Did you have any other source other than from the financial advisor?

Fiancial Advisor只是给你一个全面的分析。所以你对他/她的信任就是关键。

1. What are your qualifications?
2. What experience do you have?
3. What services do you offer?
4. What is your approach to financial planning?
5. Will you be the only person working with me?
6. How will I pay for your services?
7. How much do you typically charge?
8. Could anyone besides me benefit from your recommendations?
9. Are you regulated by any organization?
10. Can I have it in writing?
还有就是看看这个顾问所在的组织,是不是提供不间断的培训让他们有机会提高专业技能,是否有完善的compliance 结构,对每笔交易进行核查看是否符合客户的需求。
Sincerely thanks 挺傻! My concern is, we don't really have the time to get to know the financial advisor, maybe we should, but have not yet been given any opportunity either.

1. I agree trust is THE most important criterion in selecting the right advisor, but HOW do you trust someone you've just met? If through long-term relationship you've got to know this person fairly well, this lead to the 2nd question:
2. How do you tell if his/her professional knowledge is sound and up to date? Since you are often a complete outsider. He/she coudl dazzle you with technical jargons and you won't know what really is going on.
3. & 4. are both dealing with actions and reactions, and I agree, it's hard to categorize and to give a clear-cut "rule", but I often find this kind of judgement call difficult to make, since I'm not a professional, and with my very limited knowledge, I'm vulnerable to be taken advantage of, not necessarily intentionally, but by the end of the day, I'm at risk to lose my hard-earned money.

Is there a systematic approach to evaluate/select your financial advisor? An approach that can be used by ordinary investor?
That's exactly what I have on mind.

It's almost like a doctor-patient scenario, where the doctor has the absolute expertise, and the patient is at the complete mercy of the doctor. HOW can we (ordinary investors) increase our confident level? In other words, is there any way that ordinary investors can increase their power other than taking extensive investment courses? :)

最初由 shusheng 发布

dkwan问的那些问题“What is the investment goal? What is the capital? ...”好象只跟“如何投资”有关。随便哪一个financial advisor都会问这些问题,然后给出他或她的投资计划。

但这个“如何投资”不是我的(我觉得也不是渐渐的)问题。我的问题是,怎么来选一个financial advisor呢?换句话说,为什么我要选比如dkwan而不是别的人做我的Financial Advisor呢?

