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<HTML>自打来CANADA 后我在股市上就背运,已经损失几万(还没有平仓)。今年我在其他方面还有收入,如果不报CAPITAL LOSS的话,我其他收入的40%要上税。听朋友说如果我现在平仓再换股。我平仓后CAPATAL LOSS 就生效。如果平仓后算出亏20000。这20000是否可以CLAIM?这能在税上帮我捞回多少?一般地说来说一个人一年可以报多少CAPITAL LOSS?</HTML>
<b>Re: 我可以报多少CAPITAL LOSS?</b>

<HTML>Unfortunately, Captial loss can be only offset to capital gain, which means your loss can be either offset to your past capital gain or carried forward to future to offset your capital gain if you're lucky in next year. You can't offset your capital loss to your normal income unless you have strong support that you're really an active trader (more than 500 trades/year).</HTML>

<HTML>Thanks Klin

According to your saying, if a person has his own business or enterpreneurship and has income, is he elligible for claiming this capital loss as I mentioned in the first article to offset his business income(something like consultant income, IT service income)?</HTML>
<b>Re: 我可以报多少CAPITAL LOSS?</b>

<HTML>Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. Let's put it this way: Once your income categorized as captial gain/loss, then it can be only be offset capital loss/gain ONLY. Typical captial gain/loss are things like long term stock/bond investment, real estate investment, etc.

The biggest deal is how do you categorize your gain/loss when dealing with stock investment, which is the most tricky part of tax claim. Taxmen tend to collect more tax while you try all your best to avoid it. Therefore if you were a pretty active trader, taxmen will try to categorize your gain as business income which falls into highest possible tax bracket and put your loss as capital loss which is not eligble for offsetting your other income. And you as a little guy, will try whatever you can to fight back. Finally, the problem is, are you trading stocks as a business or you're just a normal investor? There's no clear definition of traders and investors though. Generally speaking, if your trades per year is less than 300, you're unlikely to convince people you're a trader.

For further information, I recommend you read a book like Tax for Dummies.</HTML>
