Is ESL really useful?


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Lots of people have been to the ESL. Can we share how do the people feel about it so that the new comer can have some reference point?
a. Very useful
b. Somewhat useful
c. No use at all, waste of time
d. Harmful
In my experience, it doesn't work out quite a lot.
But if you do have time and your English is very poor, 6 months study will be helpful.
And the teacher is the key point, I have met some good teachers who teaches very useful info.
If you always talking with someone whose english is poorer. Your
level will degrade.
I agree. If you find the average of the class is lower than yr level, then you won't learn much from this class.
get some canadian people to be your friends
that is better than ESL a lot
我觉得esl还是有用的 一年前的5月 刚刚来到加拿大 在hamilton的一所international college读书 2个月之后 我的老师 把我的第一篇essay和最后一篇essay拿给我看 真的觉得进步很大 觉得最初自己哭着喊着不要读esl听可笑的;)
That's my feeling for ESL, it helps on reading and writing, but not that powful on listening and talking, which is weakest link for most of us.
最初由 Caohaoying 发布
If you always talking with someone whose english is poorer. Your
level will degrade.

but it's better than to speak chinese everyday, and maybe you are the worst English speaker in the class. so don't complain that it is not useful. it helps you to make progree in English especially in the first term. Don't you think you have make rapic progress after one term, if you attend every class. But some new chinese students always be late for class, and even skip class. it won't help if you study like that, that's why a lot people didn't pass the CAEL test even they have already come here more than one year. I just met a ESL teacher last week who taught me 2 years ago. She told me that the new chinese students don't study that hard and always skip class.
So I suggest the fellow guys who are taking ESL that stop complain these and those, but find the reasonsfron yourself first.
Those are my opinions that wanna share with you.
but i really think it's no use tho... my english is even worse than before after attending the esl.. :(

最初由 feng 发布

but it's better to speak chinese everyday, and maybe you are the worst English speaker in the class. so don't complain that it is not useful. it helps you to make progree in English especially in the first term. Don't you think you have make rapic progress after one term, if you attend every class. But some new chinese students always be late for class, and even skip class. it won't help if you study like that, that's why a lot people didn't pass the CAEL test even they have already come here more than one year. I just met a ESL teacher last week who taught me 2 years ago. She told me that the new chinese students don't study that hard and always skip class.
So I suggest the fellow guys who are taking ESL that stop complain these and those, but find the reasonsfron yourself first.
Those are my opinions that wanna share with you.
the ESL is somewhat useful la, i took a 6 weeks' class when I first got here. During that period, the most important thing i found out is that my vocabulary was really small. it was really hard to keep up with the speed the instuctor was speaking. Well, it's much better now:)


yes ESL helps, at least for me that's the case, i came to ottawa knowing only like the simpliest words, after 3 months in ESL, i was able to write, speak and listen without problem.
it also depends on the environment
if you are stuck with chinese people that prefer to spear're *screwed*
but hey i was only in elementary school, heheh so that might've helped
my best suggestion to you is to find canadian friends or chinese friends that speak english, basically practice your speaking skills as often as possible
btw, this is my dad's account...
最初由 Gemini01 发布
the ESL is somewhat useful la, i took a 6 weeks' class when I first got here. During that period, the most important thing i found out is that my vocabulary was really small. it was really hard to keep up with the speed the instuctor was speaking. Well, it's much better now:)

you are honest. I can tell it from your signature :D