[问题] 该怎样给老爸寄钱?

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 gimme
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He doesn't need a foreign currency account if you like him to withdraw in RMB. You can wire transfer either USD or CAD to his RMB account in major chinese banks such as CICB, Bank of China etc. The fund will be converted to RMB and deposited into his account when it arrives China. You can do the wire transfer at any canadian bank. The canadian bank normally will ask the receiver's name, account number, shenfenzheng nnumber, etc.

国内银行的普通储蓄账户就可以. 国内银行收到外汇汇款后会按当日的外汇卖入价将外汇转成人民币存入人民币账户. 国内银行没有手续费, 但中转行可能会有一些费用, 不会很多. 在汇款的时候需要付汇费, 大约50-60CAD/笔.