Sympatico is one of the worst service providers I have ever seen


I connected to the sympatico high speed last month. It worked fairly well at first. But the connection has been suffering lots pf problems since last week. Its DSL connetion fails now and then while I am still downloading stuff (DSL indicator becomes red and green alternatively, and the connection is drooped).

I tried the dail-up several times, but the system rejected my login request due to wrong username and password. But I can log in with the same identification when high speed connection come back. What on hell is the problem?

What makes me more angry is I called the bell sympatico technical support several times. Each time, the system put me in the waiting queue, but it just kicked me out after I had been waiting for 10 minutes. I emailed them, no reply.

Does anyone experience the same problem? Let talk about both the sympatico high speed and its customer support.
你用的是什么网卡?如果是以前 Rogers 送的那种网卡,的确会有掉线的问题。我后来自己买了一块网卡,就没有掉线的问题了。
No problem with the NIC

最初由 船歌 发布
你用的是什么网卡?如果是以前 Rogers 送的那种网卡,的确会有掉线的问题。我后来自己买了一块网卡,就没有掉线的问题了。

The NIC should be OK because I used it to connect to sympatico last year, then connect to Rogers from early this year until last month. I bought the D-link myself. It is not from Rogers. BTW, the problem is the dsl connection, not the connection between NIC and Modem Ethernet port.

Thanks very much for your feedback anyway!
I agree that Bell's service is very poor. Not only you mentioned above, but also if you want to cancel sympatico high speed service, you can't cancel it until the end of billing cycle. So I have decided to switch back to Rogers high speed. Now rogers has a special package for students. The service lasts for a year, and service fee is $30 each month.
我住的楼就不能装BELL 的ADSL
How about the 3rd high speed provider in Ottawa

最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布

Is there anybody using Magma's high speed service? I know the company but don't know their service and performance. BTW, their web site is very helpful.
magma的service packages太烂,就这水平怎么跟bell竞争?

最初由 Joy 发布
I agree that Bell's service is very poor. Not only you mentioned above, but also if you want to cancel sympatico high speed service, you can't cancel it until the end of billing cycle. So I have decided to switch back to Rogers high speed. Now rogers has a special package for students. The service lasts for a year, and service fee is $30 each month.

MAGMA用的是BELL的BACKBONE, 没什么区别. ROGERS也不怎么样, 来装线的选手顺手拉了一根CABLE, 结果被附近施工的选手割断过两次. 打电话去也是给转来转去, 好不容易逮到活人还要大费一番口舌才同意派人来维修. 听说ROGERS近来也限制流量了, 到底多少有谁知道?

Sympatico的东东在我这里效果不好。不知道是为什么,Sympatico访问中国的网站竟然比dial up 还慢。打开一个sina的主页用了整整10分钟。
那恐怕是新浪的服务器慢, 国内很多服务器都时好时坏. 我在公司上搜狐经常也需要好几分钟才能打开一页呢.
还别说新浪, 我用的是ROGERS, 上ROGERS自己的网站都花了不下十分钟也没打开主页上的任何连接. 通常5-6分钟就该TIMEOUT了, 看来ROGERS比较执著.
it's true, sympatically high speed reeks!
get rogers cable internet, i have it it's awesome
Re: 请问现在rogers对学生的服务还有么?

最初由 heavensea 发布


Yes, they do have this special offer. But the phone number is not handy, you can go to and get the phone number for customer service. Another good thing about rogers is that normally you can reach their agents quickly.
Accesing China Web through Rogers and Sympatico

最初由 chengchy 发布

Sympatico的东东在我这里效果不好。不知道是为什么,Sympatico访问中国的网站竟然比dial up 还慢。打开一个sina的主页用了整整10分钟。

The speed you are experiencing relys on many factors, for example, the transport infrastructure, the servers, the application and the autonomous system policy. Among them, the most significant factor is the autonomous policy. It refers to how your service provider's network connets to other carrier's network. You can do a simple test by typing
at your DOS command window to see how many hops between your PC and the destination host in China. Obviously the path Rogers takes is much shorter than Sympatico. Meanwhile, you can also see how long it takes to every next hop.

Generally speaking, I was very satisfied with Sympatico last year before I eventually found out their service support was very poor. So I switched Rogers for half year. To save money, I swithced back to sympatico again last month, but only find I am more angry than last year. It sucks.