捐款捐的实在不耐烦了, 你们开导开导我.


以前从来就是觉得该捐就捐, 没什么好说的. 但是最近这半年让捐款给捐烦了, 昨天晚上正张罗孩子睡觉, 居然NAC也打电话来, 我的名字他们也知道(大概是以前买票留的底), 罗罗嗦嗦废话半天让捐款, 我实在烦了, 都没听完她说什么就挂了. 太烦了.

快报税了, 收拾收拾收据, 居然有这么多:

St.Vincent Hospital Fund Raising
United Way Fund Raising
Winter Snowsuit Fund
Heart and Stroke Fundation
Canadian Cancer Society
还有一个, 忘了, 等到他们寄收据来吧.
Tsunami Fund - Worldvision, Red Cross

Salvation Army (in every mall, every time go shopping)
Queen's Way Carleton Hospital (in supermarkets)
Some Kids' wish fund (in Shoppers Drugmart)
Toy Mountain
Various school kids selling choclate, cookies, and other craps door by door.
Monthly donation of usable used cloth to that big box outside Centrepointe theatre
Tsunami Fund - at school, various donation boxes
多伦多那个Cindy什么, 撞车了, 捐.
昨天发现有个徐什么, 车祸去世了, 捐.

相信很多人和我一样, 捐, 捐, 捐, 都捐晕了, 没有静下心来数数自己捐了多少. 而且这东西好像滚雪球, 你越捐, 来找你捐款的人就越多.

我的困惑是: 政府到哪里去了? 这么多需要帮助的, 除了海啸是天灾以外, 很多需要捐款的都是一些固定的事业, 应该政府支持的嘛, 难道我们上税没有上够吗? 税后的钱还要从口袋里拿出真么多, 去填补政府没有做的空白.
最初由 March 发布
对,我规定每年不超过两次。 :smokin:
每年定个计划是较为合适的,一般的人以小于或者等于年薪的1%较为合适!再多就是负担了!当然有钱的多做做善事也算给自己积福拉!!;) ;)
Nod nod...开喜 is a generous person, but donation is voluntary. It's easy to be overwhelmed by various charities, just need to sort out what's more important to YOU and what you believe in. And make a budget helps to sustain long-term charitable participation.

最初由 43185 发布
Thanks. I will make a budget for this year, and learn to say NO.

It is so hard to say no. I wish it was as easy to say no to the credit card companies and life insurance companies.
最初由 开喜 发布
It is so hard to say no.
Pratice saying "sorry, no, no" hundred times per day at your home, that'll be big helpful :smokin:
最初由 开喜 发布
以前从来就是觉得该捐就捐, 没什么好说的. 但是最近这半年让捐款给捐烦了, 昨天晚上正张罗孩子睡觉, 居然NAC也打电话来, 我的名字他们也知道(大概是以前买票留的底), 罗罗嗦嗦废话半天让捐款, 我实在烦了, 都没听完她说什么就挂了. 太烦了.

哥们,换个角度看问题,你捐这些,至少说明你有钱可捐,如果是你接收别人的捐款,不定什么事发生了. 像福利,一些人知道的可清楚了(不是坏事),但有些人愣不知孩子牛奶金的事,没资格领这钱(不是没孩子,有,还不至一个),收入太高,好像亏了,但不是坏事吧。
经过这么多年的锻炼, 我现在对付电话的还可以,我一般不再认捐电话的, 你参考一下

(1) I have a tight budget ...
(2) I have to pay mortgage, pay car load, pay daycare, pay tuition, ... (烦死他, 估计敌人先挂线)
(3) I don't have money (敌人要死皮赖脸到这份上拉, 咱也没什么不好意思的)

但是, 敲门的我就死定, 特别是敌人把帐本一打开, 你的邻居已经捐了多少, 多少 (都是多的, 少的他就翻到别的页去), 昏倒
以后接到电话就说:“Sorry, my parents are not at home right now.”:D 声音装嫩一点就好啦
你就说:Me, say poor english, little, I don't understand. vietnameses please.
2.如果你运气真得很差,对方竟然会说越南话,你就接一句,I mean ...JianPuZhai Huai please.


最初由 孤星夜雨 发布
经过这么多年的锻炼, 我现在对付电话的还可以,我一般不再认捐电话的, 你参考一下

(1) I have a tight budget ...
(2) I have to pay mortgage, pay car load, pay daycare, pay tuition, ... (烦死他, 估计敌人先挂线)
(3) I don't have money (敌人要死皮赖脸到这份上拉, 咱也没什么不好意思的)

但是, 敲门的我就死定, 特别是敌人把帐本一打开, 你的邻居已经捐了多少, 多少 (都是多的, 少的他就翻到别的页去), 昏倒
I am too fed up with people calling me on the phone and knocking on the door for donation. There are 40,000 registered charitable organizations in Canada. How many can you give? Everyone at the door or on the phone has different stories that need money to help. Some said dogs need shelters, kids need to go to a trip, and one girl told me her brother was missing some year ago, since then she has set up an organization to help finding missing child, and she need the money to keep it going. Everone come with a title, you hardly have time to write down their organization's name for verification, and then they are gone with your donation money.

Based on my experience, I found reputable charity organizations will not ask for donation through the phone or knocking on your door without prior notice. They generally send out donation letter to people. For now, I only give donation to United way, and Cancer Society.