[请求] How to find the Ottawa judge Info?

"the Ottawa judge?"

There must be more than one judge in Ottawa. You have to identify who the judge is, by name at least. What kind of information are you looking for?

One potential source is www.martindale.com.

Good luck.

最初由 Walter Liu 发布
Re: "the Ottawa judge?"

最初由 onebuck 发布
There must be more than one judge in Ottawa. You have to identify who the judge is, by name at least. What kind of information are you looking for?

One potential source is www.martindale.com.

Good luck.

Also I need the court info like tele or web?Thanks!
Unfortunately, you will never know any judge's info, as their info are strictly protected.
Have you googled lately?

最初由 Walter Liu 发布

Also I need the court info like tele or web?Thanks!