





CFC斑竹就是好, 删贴数量的确很少。
。。。。这儿是加拿大。。。。u c da difference?
最初由 jason12345 发布


最初由 乌鸦乌鸦 发布

最初由 黑色会 发布

The day after tommorrow. :p
If you measure things happened in China with the standards in US, UK,..., it is not fair. If your real motive is to evaluate Zhao Zhiyang, that is fine. If you don't think evaluating Zhao Zhiyang will trigger other things in China, you may be naive. If you pretend you don't know this and really expect something to happen in China by agitating evaluating Mr. Zhao, then you have hidden political motives.

For example, a family has internal arguements. as a third party, you can talk to one of the family member like, your families treat you badly and unfairly, you should fight against them, you should report to the police and send them to the jail. You can also say like, you may over-reacted to your families, you can calm yourself down and communicate with them to reach peace.

There are many ways you can say and do things in this situation. Bottom line is, your motive. If you want the family to recover to harmony, you may say things and do things in one way. If you want to destroy the family, you may choose other ways of saying and doing things.

In a country with many religions, if you want the country in peace, you will not say thing and do things that cause that conflicts among the religions. If you want the country in hot war, you may try to trigger the conflicts among the religions. The things you say will be correct, and the results may go to the other direction.
最初由 xinanzhou 发布
If you measure things happened in China with the standards in US, UK,..., it is not fair. If your real motive is to evaluate Zhao Zhiyang, that is fine. If you don't think evaluating Zhao Zhiyang will trigger other things in China, you may be naive. If you pretend you don't know this and really expect something to happen in China by agitating evaluating Mr. Zhao, then you have hidden political motives.

For example, a family has internal arguements. as a third party, you can talk to one of the family member like, your families treat you badly and unfairly, you should fight against them, you should report to the police and send them to the jail. You can also say like, you may over-reacted to your families, you can calm yourself down and communicate with them to reach peace.

There are many ways you can say and do things in this situation. Bottom line is, your motive. If you want the family to recover to harmony, you may say things and do things in one way. If you want to destroy the family, you may choose other ways of saying and doing things.

In a country with many religions, if you want the country in peace, you will not say thing and do things that cause that conflicts among the religions. If you want the country in hot war, you may try to trigger the conflicts among the religions. The things you say will be correct, and the results may go to the other direction.

最初由 TCY1 发布


Where does your motivation come from?
为了自己的政治目的 or 一点经济利益?
My point: Even what you say is fact. There are still issues about the right way and right time.

For example, black people were slaved in US in recent history. It is a fact. But if the way you preach it or the time you preach it may cause the hatred between black people and white people, it will not considered proper and be welcomed by US government and people even what you say is a fact.

Sometimes, there is no clear line between right or wrong. It is just about which side you want to stand. Arguments between two sides may never reach the final results for different points of views.

For example, in Opium wars (in late 1800s?), British armies, Japanese armies, ..., invaded China, collected lots of money from China. Most western armies then were labeled as Christian. You can find many facts about Opium wars.

I stand on the side of opposing Opium Wars. I'll say facts that will reveal that the acts of those foreign armies then were rude, agaist human nature, against the principles of Christianity; the missions of Christian Preachers were not for the benifits of Chinese People, etc...

I also know some people take the other side. They will say the Opium Wars brought China new western civilization (there existed nice ways of expoting civilizations), the science, modern system, knowledge of democracy, etc...

For example, in Canada, I joined the Bible study group. At one time, the preacher said Christian Religion would brought China and chinese people goodness and communism would bring China badness. But one student stood up and said, "what I saw Christian broght China is Opium War and unequal Contracts, and special status of western people in China before 1949. At leat communism brought China independence."

See, different people have different opinions. Some people may say white people make North America better. Some Indian people may say white people bring us nothing but ALCOHOL and Bible.