is one kid enough?

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I have a two years girl. lots of friends told me it is a good time for a second baby now. But Laogong think one is enough.

Is one kid enough?
It's like asking people "do you like milk or soy drink for breakfast".
最初由 渐渐 发布
It's like asking people "do you like milk or soy drink for breakfast".

要正确理解发贴人的意思, 她想听听大家的意见, 看看大家是怎么想的.
No 2 families are alike. What's working for you may not be working for her, and vice-versa. Are you just going to have another baby if everyone else says it's good? :confused:

p.s. I did understand her intention, just wanted to bring another angle to her attention. :)

最初由 音乐娃娃 发布

要正确理解发贴人的意思, 她想听听大家的意见, 看看大家是怎么想的.
听一听大家的不同的意见, 也许会从中悟出些什么, 该不该要第二个孩子当然还是自己的决定.
再者, 楼主也已经说明了, 她的很多朋友建议她再要一个, ( 她并没有听了朋友的一言之词, 就要生第二个呀), 那就再看一看更多的不同的人的想法. 这就是这个论坛的方便之处.
还是那句话, 俩个会更好, 一个孩子太孤单.

最初由 渐渐 发布
No 2 families are alike. What's working for you may not be working for her, and vice-versa. Are you just going to have another baby if everyone else says it's good? :confused:

p.s. I did understand her intention, just wanted to bring another angle to her attention. :)

For parents, one is enough, and one is just right. Only my opinion.

But for the child, it is hard to say. Some kids always need companies, either parents or siblings. Some other kids may be more independent. Ask their opinion.

But personally, I can't agree with that 2 or 3 years diff is the best.
Go to those families with two or more children to see if your husband will change his mind.
最初由 Amyrunrun 发布
Go to those families with two or more children to see if your husband will change his mind.

If they go to a family with one at 2 and one at 4, the husband will be more firmed that one kid is quite enough.
I'm a single child, and I've always wanted to have a sibling. An older brother or sister at first when I was younger, but it really doesn't matter now, I'd tolerate even a younger sibling. :D

Being a single child is definitely lonely, my university classmates were surprised that I would openly admit that. I have a few very close friends, they are just like sisters to me, but it's not the same as an actual sibling who actually shares your bloodline. But I do realize that it's asking the parents a lot to give birth and to bring up another mother couldn't stand it, "one is more than enough!" she said.

Every family is different, it's better to talk it out with the husbby...but let me tell you something, few husbands could stand the persistence of a nagging wife. :D

最初由 Jingle 发布
For parents, one is enough, and one is just right. Only my opinion.

But for the child, it is hard to say. Some kids always need companies, either parents or siblings. Some other kids may be more independent. Ask their opinion.

But personally, I can't agree with that 2 or 3 years diff is the best.
最初由 Jingle 发布
For parents, one is enough, and one is just right. Only my opinion.
