Algonquin College Getting $625,960 For ESL Training

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Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Enhanced language training agreement helps internationally trained newcomers in Ontario

New Training Projects Help Newcomers Continue Their Careers

QUEEN'S PARK, ON, Jan. 20 /CNW/ - The Honourable Joe Volpe, Minister of
Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), and the Honourable Mary Anne
Chambers, Ontario's Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, today
announced a joint initiative to strengthen higher level and job-specific
language training for internationally trained newcomers in the province.
The Ontario government and CIC are jointly investing $3.4 million over
two years to support 13 projects under the Enhanced Language Training
Initiative. The projects will deliver job-specific language training to more
than 1,300 internationally trained individuals to help them make the
transition to Ontario's workforce.
"One of the keys to our continued prosperity and competitiveness will be
the degree to which foreign-trained professionals and skilled workers are able
to successfully integrate into society and our workforce," said Minister
Volpe. "The Government of Canada invests $20 million annually in its Enhanced
Language Training Initiative and I am pleased to work with Ontario so that
more immigrants can pursue professions and trades that make full use of the
talents and skills they bring to Canada."
"Our government recognizes the important contribution newcomers make to
ensuring a strong and prosperous economy for all Ontarians," Chambers said.
"By providing the internationally trained with higher level language training,
we are helping them to be successful in their efforts to obtain employment in
the occupations for which they have been trained. It is important to all
Ontarians that these skills not go to waste."
More than 70 per cent of adult immigrants who come to Ontario are highly
skilled with postsecondary education or training. While the provincial and
federal governments have a long history of providing basic English and French
as second language programs, the issue for internationally trained individuals
has been the requirement for higher level language skills that are specific to
each occupation.
"The funding will allow us to develop and deliver higher level language
training that will help newcomers carry out successful job searches and work
effectively in our workplaces," said Phyllis Sereda, Executive Director of the
Peel Adult Learning Centre in Mississauga.
This investment is part of the Ontario government's plan to improve
access for the internationally trained to their chosen professions and trades.
Ontario is providing $12.5 million annually to meet this commitment.
"Our goal in negotiating a Canada - Ontario Immigration Agreement is to
help newcomers integrate successfully into the economy and the community,"
said Dr. Marie Bountrogianni, Ontario Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.
"Higher level language training for newcomers is an essential part of helping
them bridge the gap to become employed in jobs for which they are trained and



Each year, thousands of immigrants choose Ontario as their new home. More
than 70 per cent of adult newcomers who come to Ontario are highly skilled
with postsecondary education or training.
While the provincial and federal governments have a long history of
providing basic English and French as second language programs, the issue for
internationally trained individuals has been the requirement for higher level
language skills that are specific to each occupation.
Both governments are moving forward to leverage the huge potential that
arrives on Ontario's doorstep by investing $3.4 million over two years to
support 13 projects that will provide higher level and job-specific language
training to more than 1,300 internationally trained individuals. The projects
are part of the provincial government's agreement with the federal government
to cost-share 50-50 the Enhanced Language Training Initiative of Citizenship
and Immigration Canada.
The following projects will be receiving funding:
City and Project Description Number of Government
Organization Clients Investment
BURLINGTON - The Provide higher level language 147 $278,269
Centre for Skills training to help learners make the
Development and transition to the Job Shop or
Training Career Explorations programs.
HAMILTON - Mohawk Develop and deliver job-specific 100 $344,670
College language training as well as
facilitate appropriate job
shadowing, mentorships, work
placements and internships.
MISSISSAUGA - Provide newcomers who have basic
Centre for to intermediate language abilities $304,214
Language Training with higher levels of English Development
and Assessment courses through flexible and project
Inc. user-friendly delivery methods.
Develop assessment tools to help Development $63,960
place learners with higher levels project
of English language proficiency
in appropriate language training
MISSISSAUGA - Provide higher level and job- 140 $87,940
Dixie Bloor specific language training in the
Neighbourhood business administration and
Centre management sector.
MISSISSAUGA - Develop and implement higher level 80 $92,344
Peel Adult language training to help newcomers
Learning Centre carry out successful job searches
and work effectively in the
Canadian workplace.
MISSISSAUGA AND Develop an online assessment Development
OTTAWA - Centre tool for higher level language project $499,512
for Language training.
Training and
Assessment and
the Centre for
Canadian Language
OAKVILLE - Develop and deliver higher level 84 $54,880
Halton language training and job-specific
Multicultural language training in the office
Council management and education sectors.
OTTAWA - Develop and test higher level 120 $625,960
Algonquin College language training curricula in the
following sectors: advanced
technology, business, health care,
construction trades and
OTTAWA - Provide job-specific language 80 $97,500
Graybridge Malkam training for those interested in
the law enforcement field.
TORONTO - George Develop and test higher level 100 $116,380
Brown College language training curricula for
information technology and
microelectronic programs.
TORONTO - Provide higher level language 250 $353,626
Toronto District training to help learners make the
School Board transition to the Newcomer
Opportunities for Work Experience
(NOW) Program.
TORONTO - Develop and test a higher level 200 $544,544
University of language training curriculum
Toronto for pharmacists.
TOTAL 1,301 $3,463,799
Provincial funding for these projects is part of the Ontario government's
commitment to improve access for the internationally trained to the
professions and trades they were trained to perform. As announced in the 2004
Budget, Ontario is providing $12.5 million annually by 2005-06 to meet this

Initiatives to meet the commitment include:
- Working with professional regulatory bodies and employers to increase
access and eliminate barriers to credential recognition and job entry
- Expanding training services to help internationally trained
individuals make the transition to Ontario's workforce
- Improving information on employment opportunities and requirements for
individuals considering immigration to Ontario.

Wilma Davis Maria Iadinardi
Communications Branch Media Relations
Ministry of Training, Colleges Citizenship and Immigration Canada
and Universities 613-952-0740

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For more information on the Enhanced Language Training Initiative, visit
CIC's Integration-Net website at

For further information: Rob Thompson, Minister's Office, Ministry of
Training, Colleges & Universities, (416) 326-1609; Wilma Davis, Communications
Branch, Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities, (416) 325-6730; Public
Inquiries: (416) 325-2929 or 1-800-387-5514, TTY: 1-800-263-2892; Stephen
Heckbert, Director of Communications, Minister Volpe's Office, (613) 954-1064;
Maria Iadinardi, Media Relations, Citizenship and Immigration Canada,
(613) 952-0740

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