a question abt secured loan[问题]


thanks in advance because you guys always can give me the answer.

1) i need a secured loan to buy a used car. do not like the car loan from the bank
2) i want to use my home or my RRSP as the collateral to get a secured loan or line of credit.
3) where i can go to get the loan. i know my bank can do it. Any other places?
4) what is the fees invloved and is there a way to get a good rate, i am very greedy, let's say below prime....
5) i need only a year. i can pay it off very fast. but if it is lower i would let it go for a while so that i could use the my cash flow to do investment

thanks a million
hi, if you'd like to use your house as a collateral, the best way I can figure out is:
1. Refince your house to get the line of credit.
2. Advance money from the line of credit.
3. Restructuring it under totol equity plan. If everthing is going well, the best rate you can get after restructuring is prime-0.5%, 3 years, 15%/15%.

If you do interest in that, you could send QQH to me. I am a banker.
You could also refer your own bank to get their suggestions. Good luck!