[请求] 各位大侠, 怎么搬美国的无犯罪记录呀???

当我在美国时办过无犯罪记录, 需亲自去指定的警察局申请,且在该处打指膜.
最初由 fortget_it 发布
当我在美国时办过无犯罪记录, 需亲自去指定的警察局申请,且在该处打指膜.

You need two:
Local, where you lived, police office Record
FBI record
I have FBI record(no record), but how to get the one from police?
is it only works for 6 months? maybe expired, another 15 dollars!
You can write to FBI to ask a finger print card, but unfortunately I don't have the FBI address. You can search in google. Also maybe you can go to other BBS or newsgroup to ask help. The newsgroups I suggest are something like misc.immigration.canada, or misc.immigration.usa.
In the states, you have to go to police stattions or immigration offices to have your finger print done. But I don't how you can do it here. Hopefully the immigration office should be OK if they can do it for you.
good luck!
Re: yeah, how could i get local one?

最初由 樱木 发布
:confused: :confused: :confused:

Check Canada PR application document package, you will find the pages for all states of US local police office, and then you check the website or phone to contact to them.