What are background checks?
A background check is a normal part of permanent resident visa processing. The procedure is intended to bar the entry into Canada of criminals and security threats.
Background checks are done for all persons aged 18 or over before they receive a permanent resident visa. Documents used in these checks include the following:
the application for permanent residence form;
security, intelligence and criminal conviction records; and
immigration records for persons who have violated immigration legislation.
Background checks may also be done before a visa is issued to a temporary resident applicant, if there is reason to believe that the person may be undesirable or prohibited by immigration law. For visitors from some countries, a waiting period is required for security checks before a temporary resident visa can be issued.
不应该说是你被抽到,而是所有的人会被调查,这只是移民过程中的一个环节而已。即使你已经毕业了,也应该想办法把permit延下去,或者再找所学校学点什么,或者找关系看看能不能搞到work offer,改签work permit.如果CIC查出你非法延期居留,可就有的麻烦了。身边就有这种先例。