let me give your some serious advise
1) you need very high grade in both your bachelor and MBA.
especially in your MBA, at least average A and no a single C.
this is important. you will be kicked out right away if you have 2 Cs
2)very high GRE and TOEFL score. i think your TOEFL need miminum 640. ideally 650 and above
3)very strong background in research methodolgy, statistics, research experiences (TA or RA experiences). Do you have any good research work?
4)very strong research interests. based on what you said (very limited) i suggest industrial pyschology or social pyschology
5)find professors in the McGill and read their papers. find out their research interests
6)outstanding references letters at least two from Canadian. you need a letter from the key professor. i would like a letter from the dean provide he would like to write seriously for you
7)perfect research interest proposal
8)do you have any awards or scholarship received b4
9)how is your math and statistics. this is how chinese can win over canadian students. MATH MATH and MATH
10)finally, you need luck
to be honest, it based on how many people will apply and what are their qualifications. They normally recurit less than 5 Ph.D. students a year. But the applications will be more than 100 depends on situations. i can go through with you all detailed steps but i am just wondering if i have the time.