安省租房FAQ(Ontario Tenants Most Asked Questions And Answers)





Q4: Are fees for "breaking a lease" legal?

A4: It appears under Section 140 of the Tenant Protection Act that it is illegal to be charged a fee for terminating a lease. If you have signed a lease for a specific period (such as your first year,) and you want to terminate it before the its official (legal) end, you may wish to pay a reasonable fee if requested by the landlord to gain their cooperation, but make sure you get the agreement that you will no longer be responsible for the rent after the agreed upon date in writing first.

In the past, reasonable fees have been generally accepted as being $50 or less.

Q7: My apartment is too cold. What heating must the landlord provide?

A7: The temperatures are set under municipal bylaws. If you are not the cause for the cold temperatures, such as by keeping your windows open, or setting a thermostat to a lower temperature, then the landlord has a responsibility to maintain a minimum temperature as set by the municipality/city you live in. If the landlord is not meeting the minimums, you can complain to the city's Building and Inspections department or your city councillor.

Information for some cities and towns are:

Ottawa is 20C (68F) from 6:00 a.m. to 11 p.m., and 16.7C (62F) from 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m., year round, under (Old City of) Ottawa By-law #201-89. If your apartment is too cold in Ottawa, the number to call is (613) 580-2400.
In the past, reasonable fees have been generally accepted as being $50 or less.

It is misleading. The "$50 or less" fee may be accepted, as administration fee, only if the tenant himself can find someone else to sublet the unit.

A lease or a business contract is a legal document. If one party wants to break the contract, he or she will have to compensate the other party for the full financial loss unless the first party ( tenant) can provide legal evidence that the other party (landlord) does not suffer any financial loss from such earlier termination of the lease/contract.
真是糊里糊涂, 前面已经有人贴过了多次了, 也不看看清楚.

Tenant Protection Act, 1997, (TPA,) ,

PART I , 请注意:
Exemptions from Act
3. This Act does not apply with respect to,
(i) living accommodation whose occupant or occupants are required to share a bathroom or kitchen facility with the owner, the owner’s spouse, same-sex partner, child or parent or the spouse’s or same-sex partner’s child or parent, and where the owner, spouse, same-sex partner, child or parent lives in the building in which the living accommodation is located;
那个法规是只适用于公寓的. 可能政府对分租情况的室内温度根本没有规定. (真希望知道的人能提供准确的规定, 这样房东一定要满足要求, 房客也可以拿起这个武器, 保护自己的利益). 其实, 房东也是人, 也喜欢舒适的环境, 没有那个呆子, 花钱买了房还要活受罪的.