

Image now the government is persuaded by the pleas of the Canadian Organization of Ice-cream Makers. The government is going to place a price floor.我想问一下, 这时候政府为什么要弄一个PRICE FLOOR?

the Canadian Organization of Ice-cream Makers thinks the competition is going to the wrong direction, as the price goes down too much (I don't know the background of this, just an assumption). The price floor is to eliminate the bad competition.
in order to protect Canadian ice-cream industry.
In ECON 1000, i don't think price floor helping elimated the bad competition,since free trade could help each country specialize on their competitive advantage.
So, only people related with ice-cream industry could be gained in price floor but the rest of people are not.
Price floor means the price that government sets to be the lowest price in order to make people who are poor or can not well afford some products to buy what they want. Any price beyond it is considered to be illegal. Price floor has two kinds. One is binding while another one is non-binding. For the non-binding price floor, it doesnt have any effect at all. Free market would adjust to its equilibrium. For the price floor that is binding, the consumers would be better off as they can buy things at a lower price, thus the demand would increase. The producers will be worse off as they would receive less than they usually do,thus the supply will decrease.气As a result, the demand exceeds supply. Therefore, a shortage appears.

最初由 ◇╊假面?. 发布
Price floor means the price that government sets to be the lowest price in order to make people who are poor or can not well afford some products to buy what they want. Any price beyond it is considered to be illegal.

this looks like price ceiling to me ...
政府为什么要弄一个PRICE FLOOR, 因ICE CREAMER恳求政府这么做。当一个企业对经济影响够大的时候,政府不得不听从他们的恳求。

PS.这只是举例,没必要知道为什么要设置PRICE FLOOR.
最初由 Justin Luo 发布

this looks like price ceiling to me ...

Price ceiling means the price that government sets to be the highest price. Any price above it is considered to be illegal.
最初由 ◇╊假面?. 发布

Price floor means the price that government sets to be the lowest price in order to make people who are poor or can not well afford some products to buy what they want.

Price floor benefits seller 'cause the price can't gets any lower at certain points. Price ceiling benifits poor ppl 'cause there's a limit on price increase.:lookaroun
最初由 FinalMatrix 发布

Price floor benefits seller 'cause the price can't gets any lower at certain points. Price ceiling benifits poor ppl 'cause there's a limit on price increase.:lookaroun
